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Day: January 3, 2023

Like the Chaff in the Wind


The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Psalms 1:4

“So”. Have you ever given much thought or took a look at this two letter word and its meaning? “So”, in this verse, is used in comparison or to the extent of. The writer informs us, “the ungodly are not so.” He is not planted, rooted, and grounded by the river. His leaf withers, and his hand is not prosperous.

Why do we put so much confidence in, entertain, and even repeat the ungodly?  How is it on the job, in social arenas, and events the believer seems to catch the flack, and the ungodly gets the attention? He can say, do, and push everything to extremes, yet if the believer so much as says anything, the ungodly always proclaims the same thing, “DON’T JUDGE.”  All the while you never said a thing.

Wouldn’t it be nice if they came up with a new line? It is not you that judged them. It is their own moral values and the knowledge of their self that brought condemnation on them. Why is it that we, as people who delight ourselves in God, worry so much about the accusations, allegations, and indictments thrown at us by the ungodly?

The Psalmist said, “The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff the wind driveth away.” Wind is the “roo’-akh”; breath, spirit. Take a new approach and quit trying to figure out the unstable voice of the ungrounded ungodly and let the breath of God (the same that breathed in Adam, on the Disciples, and on the Church at the day of Pentecost) breathe on your situation driving out the chaff of the unbeliever, allowing you to live in peace and victory.

Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize the ungodly are not so.