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Day: May 20, 2024

One Day At A Time!

Matthew 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”


Life is busy. Most, if not all, of us reading this have a long laundry list of items we are facing in the weeks to come. If you are a young family, it’s soccer, baseball, track, football, basketball, apple pie and Chevrolet. That should bring a grin to some of you from the day. At any rate, we are constantly in pursuit of what is not in our grasp.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making, having, and keeping plans. However, if we are not careful, we become consumed, inebriated, and obsessed with spending what we have not yet acquired—TOMORROW.

There’s a saying, “Living on borrowed time,” used when folks outlive a situation, beat a disease, or have some kind of comeback in life. Now it seems like folks are living on time credited to them. Life has become so complicated. We often are trying to live what we do not own or what we have not yet journeyed through—tomorrow. Before our day gets started, we are already talking about what we have to do on the morrow.

Today is all you have. Squeeze each second, embrace the moment, ignore the sneers, enjoy every smile, engage each conversation, love and live each breath to the fullest, and be conscious of every opportunity. Don’t allow unlived distractions to bring disruption to the opportunities, conversations, relationships, and successes today has for you.

Tomorrow will show up when it is supposed to, and if it is supposed to, in our journey. All of that is in the hands of God. So, embrace what He has given you and rise to the top of this day.


Our prayer for you this week: May you rise to the top of the life God has given you one day at a time.