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3:15 The Genesis of All Prophecies – Rabbi Eric E. Walker

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Messianic Rabbi Eric Walker examines Genesis 3:15 and how that prophecy connects to every other prophecy in the Bible.

3:15 The Genesis of All Prophecies – Rabbi Eric E. Walker

“Every now and then one has the rare opportunity to hear something that not only captures the heart but stretches the understanding as well. Rabbi Eric Walker, my dear friend and brilliant scholar, has offered us such an opportunity. In his new book, 3:15 – The Genesis of All Prophecy, we hear the prophecy God spoke in the beginning and intends to fulfill despite Satan’s destructive agenda. We are taken on a journey following the biblical and historical thread of the first prophecy in scripture from Genesis to Revelation, from a Jewish understanding, all along having our previous paradigms sifted, stretched, and shifted. It is a marvelous work. The “Genesis of All Prophecy” exposes antisemitism as Satan’s agenda in a way most of us have never heard. The book is prophetic, insightful, convicting, and heart rending. I rejoiced, mourned, and contemplated what I was hearing through this exceptional book. In the end, I thanked God for this opportunity to hear the word of the Lord. You will too. This is a book that had to be written, none other like it has ever been written!”

– Dr. Kim M. Maas, Kim Maas Ministries,

Raised in a Jewish home with a deep hunger for understanding, Messianic Rabbi Eric Walker searched for the answer as to why Genesis 3:15 was never addressed in the Tenach (Hebrew Bible.) It became a lifelong passion in his search until he came to the Lord at age 45. His advanced studies led him to be ordained at age 55 when he founded what would become the world’s fastest growing Messianic Congregation. In his studies his search for the real truth was connected to every major prophetic event in scripture.

  • Author: Rabbi Eric E. Walker
  • Binding / Format: Paperback

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