Honor like Jesus

For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.
John 4:44
Jesus has journeyed by way of Samaria from Jerusalem back to Galilee. Lost in the middle of all the happenings of the day Jesus leaves a testimony, “A prophet hath no honour in his own country.” This begs the question, how does one return to a place of honor among those he or she loves so dearly? What does it take to make a difference or impact in their lives?
Jesus shows everyone just how close they are to making an impact in other’s lives, and how close is that? Two feet. That’s right. Two feet. No matter the doubt, no matter the ridicule, disbelief, skepticism, or notion, Jesus walked out in shoe leather who He was.
Today you are no further away from honor, impact, or influence than anyone else. It makes no difference your position, title, or name. All of us are the same distance from honor, two feet. In this game we call life, the playing field is level. Honor cannot be purchased, procured, or bought. It must be earned. Walk it out.
You want to be impactful as a mother, father, pastor, owner, supervisor, line worker, or mailman? Walk it out. Put conscience back in shoe leather. If you sweep the streets, sweep them like you own them. Clean the windows like you are looking through them. Build the gun like you are firing it. Preach the Word like your life depends on it. Train your kids like you are following them. Walk it out. Stock the shelf like you are shopping from it. Clean the bathroom like you are using it. Walk it out. Live for God like you are trying to find Him and pray like you need it. Walk it out, and honor will return.
Our prayer for you this week: May you have the power to walk to honor like Jesus intended for you to.
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