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How to Affect Your Outcome

| Josh Shields

James 1:6

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”

Not only have you seen them but heard them as well. “Who?” you might ask. The pessimist, cynic, doubter, worrywart, naysayer, and doomsayer. No matter how you try to stay away, avoid, and/or dismiss them, they always seem to be the loudest voices in the room. They’re imparting their disparaging words of discouragement to everyone they meet, stand by, or come in contact with throughout the day.

Yes, to them the glass is always half empty. The day is always cloudy. They can never afford it, nor will there ever be enough time. Their mind is made up. They have lost before the game, drawing, or number has ever been called, drawn, or chosen.

They enter the room, and the oxygen becomes thin. The life leaves the room, and the conversation comes to a halt as they stealthily glide across the room holding themselves in an upright tense posture, moving as if they are always on the runway posing for the next photo op. While they think they are positioning themselves for the next promotion, advancement, elevation, or level, it never seems to happen. Why?

Your outlook really does affect your outcome. As one year comes to a close, and a new year is on the horizon, face it with a positive outlook. James gave us some incredible information, “Ask … nothing wavering.” Head into the next venture, project, endeavor, or scheme with a determined outlook of expectation. In need of a miracle? Walk toward the answer with unwavering expectation and bold, confident faith.

Have the courage to change crowds, congregations, co-workers, friends, and even family members you have been hanging out with. Your words help to form your world, so change the scenery of what you have been hearing and watch God fulfill the desires of your heart in the coming year.

Our prayer for you this week: May you truly come to realize your outlook affects the outcome.

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