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A Tattoo for the New Year?

| Larry Spargimino

I wonder how many of you are going to get a tattoo for the New Year?

A lot of young people are getting tattoos What is a tattoo? A tattoo, according to the WebMD, is a puncture wound filled with ink. Would you like a puncture wound filled with ink?

Now I am not going to pontificate and get real preachy, but I do want to ask two important questions:

  • Is a tattoo a good testimony for a Christian?
  • Are you aware of the health risks?

The Bible tells us: “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23). So, if you are thinking of getting a tattoo can you say, “I am getting a tattoo because I KNOW it is the right thing, and God wants me to get a tattoo?”

The WebMD has a slideshow: “Pictures of Tattoo Problems.”

The slideshow says people need to “Rethink Your Ink.” Though tattoos have been around for thousands of years, no matter how advanced the technology gets, “it still amounts to a puncture wound filled with ink.” For some people, that means possible allergic reactions, infections, and much more.

Some tattoo dyes, especially red, can cause an allergic reaction. The area around the tattoo might itch or swell. You could get a nasty rash. Check out WebMD and look at the slideshow. The pictures are—gross!

Infections are a real problem. If the tattoo artist doesn’t properly clean his equipment, or uses it on more than one person, you could get a bad infection. The skin can swell, turn red, feel tender to the touch—and can start oozing pus.

There’s another problem. It’s called a “granuloma.” Sometimes a person’s immune system thinks the pigment in the ink is an infection and sends cells to the area to fight the infection. These cells lump together around the tattoo and create unsightly bumps called “granulomas.”

And then—worst of all—there are blood-borne diseases. You see, tattoo needles get bloody. If your needle wasn’t cleansed, you could be exposed to diseases carried by blood—Hepatitis B or C, Tetanus, or HIV, better known as AIDS.

And what happens if you change your mind and want to remove your tattoo?

Laser removal technology has gotten better, but it isn’t perfect. It rarely leaves scars, but it can change the texture and color of your skin. Do you want a two-tone face?

So, I haven’t preached a hellfire-and-brimstone sermon against tattoos. I am just asking you to think and pray about what we have thought about.

And hey—no matter whether or not you get a tattoo—God loves you very much. Much more than you can even imagine.