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June 2023

The Enemies within The Church (Part 1)

Greg Patten with Cary Gordon

Remember the days when the Church was looked upon with favor and considered a bastion of hope, truth, love, and forgiveness?

Larry Spargimino

“Ask Pastor Larry”


The Enemies within The Church (Part 2)

Greg Patten with Cary Gordon

The Church today is by and large not only not biblical, but it has become the very godless entity God warned us about in the Bible 2,000 years ago. It’s called the Great Apostasy and it’s leading the world toward a satanic one-world religion..

Larry Spargimino with Josh Davis

“Prison Ministry update””


Crafted by God (Part 1)

Larry Spargimino with Gorgia Purdom

Teach your children the truth about when life begins and how it progresses from fertilization to birth The beautifully illustrated and interactive book.

Greg Patten

“Living in Today’s World”


Crafted by God (Part 2)

Larry Spargimino with Stacia McKeever

Crafted by God book, teaches ages 7 and up how the Bible and science can be trusted as they explore the stages of an unborn baby’s development.

Marvin McElvany

“Bible in The News”


Flood Legends

Josh Davis with Charles Martin

The story of the Deluge – or the Global Flood of Noah – permeates nearly every culture in the world in some way, shape, or form. While details vary between the different cultures, the same basic elements, occur in all versions. In Flood Legends you will discover:

Larry Spargimino

“The Bible Says”


The Mysteries of Jesus Revealed (Part 1)

Larry Spargimino with Donna Howell

Clear-cut comprehensible explanations behind even the most enigmatic and hard to understand symbols in Revelation that anyone can read and understand! How Jesus–present and active in all sixty-six books of the Bible–makes His grand and final entrance in shining glory to welcome into the New Jerusalem all who receive the free gift

Larry Stamm

“Serving in His Court”


The Mysteries of Jesus Revealed (Part 2)

Larry Spargimino with Donna Howell

Clear-cut comprehensible explanations behind even the most enigmatic and hard to understand symbols in Revelation that anyone can read and understand! How Jesus–present and active in all sixty-six books of the Bible–makes His grand and final entrance in shining glory to welcome into the New Jerusalem all who receive the free gift

Greg Patten

“Invisible War on The Saints”


The Second Coming of Moses (Part 1)

Larry Spargimino with Michael S. Smith

Be prepared for a Moses story you will never forget! Moses the Lawgiver is one of the most exciting personalities in the Bible. There is so much we can learn from him and his story. Throughout Moses’ life, many types and shadows of Jesus Christ are revealed, as well as parallels to the society in which we live today.

Micah Van Huss

“Marginal Mysteries”


The Second Coming of Moses (Part 2)

Larry Spargimino with Michael S. Smith

Be prepared for a Moses story you will never forget! Moses the Lawgiver is one of the most exciting personalities in the Bible. There is so much we can learn from him and his story. Throughout Moses’ life, many types and shadows of Jesus Christ are revealed, as well as parallels to the society in which we live today.

Dr. Kenneth Hill

“A Moment of Prophecy”


A Beautiful Campaign

Josh Davis with Phil Cross

The Beautiful Campaign provides a non-confrontational witnessing tool that allows you to share some much-needed encouragement and love with everyone you meet. Even better, it is designed to gently lead them to a life-changing encounter with Jesus.

Larry Spargimino and Marvin McElvany

“Headlines From The End Times”


Treasure in the Coming Temple (Part 1)

Larry Spargimino with Lonnie Shipman

This book explores the quest for the lost Ark in 25 locations in 10 countries, including the floor plans and location of the Tribulation Temple, the vast difference with the Millennial Temple, insight into the relevance of Israel and astounding features of the future Kingdom.

Greg Patten

“Living in Today’s World”


Treasure in the Coming Temple (Part 2)

Larry Spargimino with Lonnie Shipman

This book explores the quest for the lost Ark in 25 locations in 10 countries, including the floor plans and location of the Tribulation Temple, the vast difference with the Millennial Temple, insight into the relevance of Israel and astounding features of the future Kingdom.

Josh Davis and Micah Van Huss

“Father’s Day Mix up”


Cancel This! (Part 1)

Josh Davis with Jonathan Brentner

Bad Guys of the Bible examines how anger, bitterness, greed, pride, an unforgiving spirit, and a desire for vengeance led these men down dark paths. As a remedy for such errant emotions, the book explains how we can apply the Gospel to critical times in our lives when our feelings tend to lead us away from the Lord.


Cancel This! (Part 2)

Josh Davis with Jonathan Brentner

Bad Guys of the Bible examines how anger, bitterness, greed, pride, an unforgiving spirit, and a desire for vengeance led these men down dark paths. As a remedy for such errant emotions, the book explains how we can apply the Gospel to critical times in our lives when our feelings tend to lead us away from the Lord.


So Many Lions

Larry Spargimino with Ray Comfort

This encouraging and practical book draws on inspiring stories from Scripture to help you identify the lions you face and build a strategy for combatting them, recognizing that nothing catches God off guard and reminding you that, by His power, you have victory over the darkness.

Josh Davis

“One World Update”


New World Order (Part 1)

Larry Spargimino with Terry James

The tell-tale signs of the impending collapse of Western civilization are all around us: out-of-control national debt; corruption at every level of governmental bureaucracy…and much more. They are obsessed with merging ancient paganism into modern technology to excise God’s created order via the Great Reset. Even the biological order the Creator determined is under assault from the human and demonic powers and principalities.

Micah Van Huss

“Marginal Mysteries”


New World Order (Part 2)

Larry Spargimino with Pete Garcia

If we can’t get the basic, common-sense things right, how do we expect to deal with the cataclysmic threats that seem to be multiplying by the day?

Dr. Kenneth Hill

“Ministry Update”


Healthy Brain Zone

Larry Spargimino with Dr. Don Colbert

This book will give you insight into the science behind the brain-gut connection so you can make wise and healthy diet choices. You will select foods that protect your brain from cognitive diseases and disorders.

Larry Stamm

“Serving in His Court”


Disarming the Powers of Darkness (Part 1)

Greg Patten with Eric Barger

Scripture is clear: the spiritual battlefield is real, and the Enemy is determined. But most Christians are ill-equipped and unprepared when attacked, and even fewer are on the offensive. This message has helped thousands implement practical tools for daily victory

Larry Spargimino

“Pakistan Mission Update”


Disarming the Powers of Darkness (Part 2)

Greg Patten with Eric Barger

Scripture is clear: the spiritual battlefield is real, and the Enemy is determined. But most Christians are ill-equipped and unprepared when attacked, and even fewer are on the offensive. This message has helped thousands implement practical tools for daily victory

Josh Davis

“A Moment of Prophecy”


God’s Grand Finale ( Part 1 )

Greg Patten with Jeff Kinley

When the dust of Revelation settles, we behold the Lamb standing and ruling in triumphant, sovereign, and indescribable glory. As God’s Grand Finale illuminates how the end times will unfold, you’ll understand how the narrative arc of Bible prophecy reveals the awe-inspiring attributes of God.

Larry Spargimino

“Ask Pastor Larry”


God’s Grand Finale ( Part 2 )

Greg Patten with Jeff Kinley

When the dust of Revelation settles, we behold the Lamb standing and ruling in triumphant, sovereign, and indescribable glory. As God’s Grand Finale illuminates how the end times will unfold, you’ll understand how the narrative arc of Bible prophecy reveals the awe-inspiring attributes of God.

Dr. Hill

“Ministry Update”
