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“Satan, the roaring lion, and his vast horde of demons are on the prowl. The main focus of his attack is on believers in Jesus Christ. The first principle of battle is to “know your enemy.” Dr. Greg Patten is a seasoned warrior in the demonic battles of life. This book is a must-read! Invisible War on the Saints: Victor or Victim not only exposes the strategies of our common enemy but is a powerful guide for walking in freedom from demonic oppression.”

–Dr. Ken Copley

Invisible War on the Saints

Victor or Victim?

The highly anticipated book
from Dr. Greg Patten is available now.

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Read on for your exclusive first look!

So is it sin or a stronghold?

Stronghold. You hear this word a lot in spiritual warfare.

Interestingly, it is only found once in the New Testament. It is, however, the main message of this book. If I could share only one thought about this war, this would be it.

Paul describes the battle of the invisible war in vivid detail, as well as the ways to be victorious. You will see these verses referenced several times in this book, so let them sink in …

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Our real daily Invisible War is like the world’s wars that are being fought around the globe every day – and yet it is not.

How is that? Our war is every bit as real but unseen. No guns or bombs are used in this kind of warfare, but in some instances, the unseen munitions are much more destructive.

For the Christian, our weapons are not physical, for our warfare is spiritual in nature. Rather than physical weapons, our weapons are those of the “full armor of God” and consist of “the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:14-17).

In the Invisible War, we use the power of God. Automatically, you win if you do this. You see, God’s war plan in this Invisible War is to destroy all the spiritual strongholds in your life.

Talk about good news

What are these “strongholds”? Let me Pattenize scripture: “We demolish arguments and everything actually that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought so that everything is obedient to Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

What are those damning “arguments”? It is the world and its philosophies, reasonings, and schemes at every turn of life.

For you, it is likely pride. It is that self-centered and self-confident attitude that says, “I got this.” No. You don’t. That should never be true for the child of God. Is it for you today?

Let’s hit the battle line of life …

Got that armor on? Got your weapons? Wait! Is that a D.E.D. (demonic explosive device) straight ahead? They are everywhere. Every minute of every day on this Earth, you will face them.

Satan and his minions have erected strongly fortified garrisons, too, that resist you, they resist God’s truth and hide God’s plan of redemption. There is the fortress of human reasoning, reinforced with many diabolical arguments and what I will call the “man plan” of “Now, this makes sense in my way of thinking.” Every man did right in his own eyes.

Proverbs 3:5, 6 instructs us:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Back to the battlefield … I now see the first devilish garrison and it’s called passion. It is very well defended by those satanic soldiers of lust, worldly pleasure, greed and that list continues to grow. Well, already this could be discouraging, as well as defeating because I am in the first confrontation today and I see pride (a Goliath-type warrior in every battle).

Guess what? I am already asking, “Did I help build Satan’s army?”

You did!

I thought I was ready. I am now depressed. I see why most go AWOL almost immediately.

The enemy is firmly fortified. These things called “strongholds” have been here for thousands of years. Talk about a great wall! It seems impenetrable and its main goal is resisting the Truth. You shall know the truth? Really?

Stop and get your mind around this. None of this should deter the Christian warrior. Do it. Use the weapons of God’s choosing. Do it. Attack the strongholds. You know this works because of the power and authority given to you by Christ.

In this real-life battle, the “Fort of Satan” is not only attacked. The walls are breached and the stronghold of sin and satanic error are beaten down.

I like this picture: The former victim is now that victorious Christian entering the ruins looking at the captured enemies. Among others that would include every false theory and every worldly philosophy that had once reigned in your life and attempted to claim its independence from God.

If this sounds a lot like Joshua fighting the battle of Jericho, BINGO. What a great illustration of spiritual truth in Joshua 6!

Greg Patten

Dr. Patten is Senior Pastor at the church he started over three decades ago. When he was saved in 1974, he was a highly rated DJ at the top rock station in Indianapolis. God led him to study at his church’s Bible Institute and later a Christian university.

After several years of traveling evangelism, Greg’s life was dramatically changed by a demonic attack. Decades of extensive study and work with hundreds of demonically oppressed people have led to Dr. Patten exposing the enemy’s weak points and teaching the believer to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.