Blessed is The Nation!

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. — Psalms 33:12
It’s amazing how many of us measure being blessed and/or blessings by the scale of our social, economic, or educational status. The more money we have, the bigger house we live in, the newer car or truck we drive, (we think) screams blessings.
How many of you have heard the famous question asked a thousand times a day, “How are you doing?” The answer: “I am blessed and highly favored” or “I am living the best life now.” I have said it, and so have you. The truth is that most of us are clinging to fading garlands, calling them blessings.
I may have written about it before. I know I have preached it for sure, but the blessing is more about the giver of the blessing than the receiver. The true definition of blessing is simply to be empowered, to have an inner peace, inner bliss, inner happiness, and inward joy that is not produced nor affected by circumstance. The ability to live a life of unshakeable well-being is how God desires us to live.
The Psalmist penned blessed, empowered, peaceful, blissful, and happy is the nation whose God is the Lord. Notice he did not say “a Lord.” THE BLESSING COMES FROM ONE —the Lord “JESUS.”
Could it be the reason you are disgruntled, disorganized, discontented, dissatisfied, displeased, and resentful even though you have everything a person could ever desire is you just might not realize the mayhem in your life comes from the fact you are chasing mammon?
So how do you live the blessed, blissful, peaceful, happy life when everything around you is in chaos, when all your accomplishments bring you no joy? How do you smile when it seems like our nation and world are on the brink of collapse? TRUST IN THE LORD.
Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize how to live the blessed life by TRUSTING IN THE LORD.
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