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Help Us Overcome This Challenge!

| Kenneth C. Hill

Dear SWRC and PITN Family,

In 2023, we celebrated an incredible milestone—90 years of continuous ministry. In 2024, God opened doors for us to build a TV studio, launch three video podcasts, and begin taping two additional programs. Now, in 2025, we are poised to release our very own Prophecy in the News TV, bringing timely biblical perspectives on world events and reflecting on God’s prophetic Word as the end times draw near.

None of these achievements would have been possible without you—your listenership, your financial gifts, and your faithful prayers. Thank you for standing with us!


Some might say we expanded too quickly, but when God opens doors, we step through them in faith. Technology and media are evolving at a rapid pace, and to reach both our devoted audience and new viewers, we must adapt. Our goal remains the same: to share the Gospel and fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission—taking His Word to every nation and people.

However, we must be candid: Last spring and summer brought some of the toughest financial challenges we have ever faced, and this spring is proving just as difficult—or even more so.


Just as we stand ready to reach thousands of Christian viewers on television, YouTube, and emerging social media platforms, our giving and orders have not kept pace with our operational needsNext week, we face a critical financial hurdle—unless God opens a window.

Where do we turn in a moment like this? First and foremost, we turn to the Lord in prayer. We also turn to you—our ministry family—to ask for your prayers and your help.

If God leads you, would you consider supporting us today? Your gifts, large or small, can help us continue broadcasting the hope and truth found in Scripture. We believe the Lord, our Good Shepherd, will guide us through this valley, just as He always has.

Thank you for your unwavering support and loyalty. You have stood with us closer than a brother, and we pray that God richly blesses you as you serve Him and others.

With gratitude and faith,

Kenneth C. Hill
President, SWRC/PITN