Who We Are
For over 91 years, Southwest Radio Ministries has been dedicated to equipping you with Bible-based teachings about end-times events and Bible prophecy to guide your understanding of the signs of the times. We are a Christian non-profit organization with a God-ordained mandate to broadcast the urgency of God’s prophetic messages found in the Holy Bible to guide our lives. We are financially supported by contributions from friends and partners of the ministry.

Your financial gift to Southwest Radio Ministries helps us continue the mission of providing solid Christian resources.

Dr. Kenneth C. Hill
Currently serving as president of Southwest Radio Ministries, Dr. Kenneth C. Hill has been with the ministry since 1993, initially as vice president. Dr. Hill continues to lead a growing ministry, including five radio stations in Northeast Tennessee and a video outreach. He has produced hundreds of audio and video programs, written on Christian themes, and spoken at various conferences and evangelistic events.

Matthew Hill
Currently serving as CEO of Southwest Radio Ministries, Matthew Hill has a lifelong background in communications and public service. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication from East Tennessee State University and has worked as a broadcaster and vice president of operations for Appalachian Radio Group. During his 16 years in the Tennessee Legislature, Matthew served in numerous roles, including deputy speaker of the House.

Dr. Larry Spargimino
Serving as vice president and the host of the Watchman on the Wall broadcast, Dr. Larry Spargimino, researches and writes books and articles and addresses listeners’ theological questions. Pastor Larry Spargimino holds M.A., M.Div and Ph.D. degrees and provides pastoral leadership for Trinity Chinese Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. He has taught in Bible college and seminary and has authored numerous books and regular articles for ministry publications.

Josh Davis
Initially pursued a career in pharmacy before turning his focus to ministry, earning a Master of Divinity from Southern Evangelical Seminary. Raised in a Christian home, he naturally stepped into pastoral ministry alongside his father at their home church in Bristol, Virginia. In 2022, Josh joined Southwest Radio Ministries as staff evangelist, and has since authored two books, and began co-hosting the Watchman on the Wall broadcast.

Edward G. Webber
As grandson of Southwest Radio Church founder E.F. Webber and son of E.F.’s successor, David F. Webber, Edward Webber started assisting at the ministry as a youth and returned to full-time work with the ministry in 2007, overseeing the call center and press room. He now serves as director of operations at Southwest Radio Ministries.
The staff of Southwest Radio Ministries works hard to minister to our listeners and to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in everything we do. We are honored that you are our partners in faith as we work to tell everyone of salvation in Jesus Christ before His imminent return.
What We Do

Why We Do It

Honoring the Legacy and Embracing the Future
The 91-year legacy of Southwest Radio Ministries established its deep roots of faith and sharing God’s prophetic Word in 1933, beginning with its inaugural broadcast in Oklahoma City by ministry founder Pastor E.F. Webber. Webber was orphaned at age 5 who was well on his way to becoming a mighty man of God by his 20s. He laid the foundation for a ministry of prophetic messages, evangelism and missions – and for growth from a regional initiative to a global Christian outreach.
His sons, Charles and David, and their mother, Lelia, who had been an important part of the ministry for years, took over the Watchman on the Wall broadcasts in 1959 after the founder’s passing. Their current-events messages, Q&As and faith-building inspiration from Mrs. Webber, propelled the expanding ministry here and abroad, while adding new voices to the broadcast, including Noah Hutchings in 1951 and Larry Spargimino in 1998.
While expanding Southwest Radio, Hutchings also amassed an impressive 100-plus books and booklets on prophecy, leading countless mission trips and tours to the Holy Land and other countries, inspiring others to grow closer to God and “feed His sheep.”
In 2015, “Pastor Larry” slipped seamlessly into the Watchman on the Wall host seat with wit and wisdom from God’s prophetic Word for current events and cultural changes. In 2023, Pastor Larry celebrated 25 years with the ministry, the author of numerous faith resources and overseas tours with devoted supporters. He serves as vice president of the board of directors with longtime board member and communications ministry founder Dr. Kenneth C. Hill, who was appointed board president in 2021.
In 2022, Southwest Radio Ministries was honored to start a Gospel partnership with and revitalize Prophecy in the News, the ministry of prophecy legend J.R. Church. Church’s classic library of books, DVDs and CDs are now part of SWRC’s vast resources, and the Prophecy in the News magazine a premier feature of the combined ministries.
Leading the ministry courageously into new vistas and challenging times are Chief Executive Officer Matthew Hill, who before becoming CEO was a legislator, businessman and ministry board member, and Edward Webber, grandson of Southwest Radio founder E.F. Webber.
Our latest initiatives include expanding Beacon Street Press, with the release of new books by our staff and affiliated authors, exploring specialized areas such as Marginal Mysteries, Affirm Apologetics, Fortified and Sprout, which is tailored for our youngest listeners. New ways to listen and learn are being added almost daily through online and digital channels, as well as over hundreds of radio stations. Other mission fields for the ministry include support of a Christian school in Pakistan and a domestic prison ministry for inmates and their chaplains.
Southwest Radio Church of the Air, Inc., is a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization and is so recognized by the U.S. Treasury Department. Contributions to the ministry are tax deductible as allowed by the IRS codes. Southwest Radio Ministries has always been funded by individual contributions from our radio listeners. An annual balance sheet and operating statement which will include all funds received and how they are expended will be provided upon request.
Southwest Radio Church Ministries is governed by a board of seven trustees. Duly appointed and elected members of the organization meet annually, or as provided in the by-laws, to receive stewardship reports from the Board of Trustees and direct the future course of the ministry by majority vote.