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Appreciate The Moment

| Josh Shields

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. — James 4:14


Have you ever sat on a cold winter day and smelled the aroma of a pot of brown beans, chili, or soup simmering? There is one constant in all of it: If you do not add water, the pot will simmer dry and scorch the contents. What happens to the liquid/H2O in the pan? As the pan reaches the simmering point, the liquid turns to vapor. It’s amazing how something so solid simply dissipates.

Glen Frey sang a song that became a hit and was featured in the movie Beverly Hills Cop, released December 5, 1984. “The heat is on, On the street, Inside your head, On every beat, And the beat’s so loud, Deep inside, The pressure’s high, Just to stay alive, Cause the heat is on (whoo).”

James, the half-brother of Jesus, nearly 2,000 years ago penned, “It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” He sent a strong warning to slow down and not get so caught up in the heat, pressure, weight, and heaviness compressing your life.

Slow down to enjoy the morning talk with your spouse, the cup of coffee and its aroma. Smell a flower as you stroll down the block. Enjoy the hills, fields, forests, and plains on your commute. Enjoy your yard, home, the sounds of your children laughing, and the sound of silverware clinking at the table.

Embrace the next meeting at work. Receive it as a challenge to scale the mountain, giving you a moment to smile at the victory, accomplishment, and triumph you have just experienced in life. Pastor, enjoy the flock. Parishioner, enjoy your leadership. Like a musician, enjoy every beat in the melody of life, because the things we ignore today might just vaporize and vanish away.

Our prayer for you this week: May you come to appreciate every moment.

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