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Blessing of God

| Josh Shields

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Psalm 1:1

Psalms chapter one is one of four Psalms recited on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, a day where the central themes are repentance and atonement. This Psalm is one quoted to avoid miscarriages, spontaneous abortions, or loss of the embryo/fetus before it is able to exist independently.

We equate blessings with things, accomplishments, “Atta boys”, and accolades. We enjoy our houses, toys, and valuables, and look forward to our 401k and retirement. Yet, none of this makes us blessed.  It may bring pleasure for a season of our life, but having these things does not mean we are living a blessed life.

Instruction of living a blessed life rings from this song with direction that can be walked and lived out while sitting on the back side of the wilderness tending sheep, riding a tractor in the hay field, stuck in traffic in an expensive ride, enjoying a luxurious meal with our influential contemporaries, sitting in a high-rise office, or working on the line.  It’s the simple coaching of how to walk, stand, and sit.   

How many times have we walked letting our ears be affected by unfamiliar sounds and unstable advice? How often have we allowed our religious ways and attitudes to get in the way of sinners (unbelievers), letting our actions block their view of Jesus? Have we sat in the seat of the scornful sending out quippy, snarky, condescending remarks and having conversations that have caused miscarriages in everything from careers to marriages? The difference between one being a sinner or a saint and the difference of being blessed or cursed, can be as simple as where we walk, stand, or sit.

Our prayer for you this week: May we walk, stand, and sit in the blessings of God. 

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