Break The Silence

And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
-Luke 11:1 KJV
What a question. If you could ask Jesus anything face to face, what would it be? Out of all the things this unnamed disciple who had been following Jesus could think of, he said, “TEACH US TO PRAY.” He could have asked anything, from, “Show us how to break bread and fish,” to, “Show us the secret to walking on water and the understanding of calming the sea and winds.” However, when given the opportunity, he simply said, “TEACH US TO PRAY.”
Prayer is that vertical communication line from humanity to divinity that brings about results, alteration, modification, and transformation. Sadly, our generation has lost sight of prayer. It is now called a “moment of silence” in every public venue you attend, from Graduation to Church. Yes, that’s right. Church. Prayer has become silent even at church.
Our gymnasiums, family centers, and fellowship halls are full of social activities, but our altars are silent, and our prayer rooms are empty. Our war room at home, the place we used to get away for a few minutes and talk to God, is now nothing more than a storage closet. Yet, we wonder where the power, conviction, and repentance has gone in our lives.
We sit and shake our heads trying to figure out why our world is in the calamity it is in. With more people going to college and furthering their education, we have philosophical discussions trying to reason within ourselves where we derailed.
Could it be we quit praying? We walked away from the one thing in the scripture that demands results from Heaven? Can we challenge you to open up the communication line between you and Jesus today? Find an altar, open the war room back up, and break the silence. Do what Jesus taught His disciples to do, PRAY.
Our prayer for you this week: May you take time to break the silence and pray.
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