January 2024

New Year’s Day
Dr. Hill, Larry Spargimino, Josh Davis, and Clayton Van Huss
We are here for you, keeping you up on the latest news and watching the prophecies in God’s word being fulfilled. This is a time not to fear but to rejoice in knowing Jesus Christ.
Subscribe today to the PITN magazine and stay one step closer to seeing Christ.

Kingdom Warrior (Part 1)
Larry Spargimino with Michael Lake
As the stakes are raised in the final conflict, it is time for the Kingdom warrior to understand a full-spectrum concept of spiritual warfare that is both offensive and defensive. Now, it is time for the Remnant to learn how to fight for their King in the last days.
Larry Stamm
“Serving in His Court”

Kingdom Warrior (Part 2)
Larry Spargimino with Michael Lake
As the stakes are raised in the final conflict, it is time for the Kingdom warrior to understand a full-spectrum concept of spiritual warfare that is both offensive and defensive. Now, it is time for the Remnant to learn how to fight for their King in the last days.
Dr Kenneth Hill
“Ministry Update”

Joshua’s Altar (Part 1)
Clayton Van Huss and Abigail Leavitt
Adam Zertal excavated at the site and claimed to have found Joshua’s altar. This review of the corresponding evidence seems to confirm that one of the structures at the site does indeed qualify as Joshua’s altar on Mount Ebal.
Larry Spargimino
“Pakistan Update”

Joshua’s Altar (Part 2)
Clayton Van Huss and Abigail Leavitt
Adam Zertal excavated at the site and claimed to have found Joshua’s altar. This review of the corresponding evidence seems to confirm that one of the structures at the site does indeed qualify as Joshua’s altar on Mount Ebal.
Greg Patten
“Living in Today’s World”

Socialism VS The Bible (Part 1)
Josh Davis with Eric Barger
Eric discusses Socialism, Communism, and the myth that the Bible endorses Marxism. This live seminar presentation is designed to help Christians answer questions about Socialism and what the
Bible states.
Calyton Van Huss
“Biblically Grounded”

Socialism VS The Bible (Part 2)
Josh Davis with Eric Barger
Eric discusses Socialism, Communism, and the myth that the Bible endorses Marxism. This live seminar presentation is designed to help Christians answer questions about Socialism and what the
Bible states.
Marvin McElvany
“Bible In The News”

Can You Really Know Your Future?
Rob Lindsted
The current events taking place in the world parallel those mentioned in the Bible as taking place in the last days. Can You Know Your Future? is a book which correlates current events with what the Bible has clearly stated for hundreds of years. This book could change your life now and change your future for eternity.

Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands (Part 1)
Clayton Van Huss with Titus Kennedy
While the historical accuracy of the Bible has long been a topic of debate and has fallen under increased scrutiny in recent decades, new archaeological discoveries from an expanding host of ancient sites found in Bible lands continue to provide evidence pertinent to questions of reliability.
Josh Davis
“Current Event Update”

Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands (Part 2)
Clayton Van Huss with Titus Kennedy
While the historical accuracy of the Bible has long been a topic of debate and has fallen under increased scrutiny in recent decades, new archaeological discoveries from an expanding host of ancient sites found in Bible lands continue to provide evidence pertinent to questions of reliability.
Larry Spargimino
“Moment in Prophecy”

Critical Dilemma (Part 1)
Josh Davis with Neil Shenvi
Critical theory and its expression in fields such as critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and queer theory are having a profound impact on our culture. Contemporary critical theory’s ideas about race, class, gender, identity, and justice have dramatically shaped how people think, act, and view one another—in Christian and secular spheres alike.
Larry Spargimino and Marvin McElvany
“Headlines from The End Times”

Critical Dilemma (Part 2)
Josh Davis with Neil Shenvi
Critical theory and its expression in fields such as critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and queer theory are having a profound impact on our culture. Contemporary critical theory’s ideas about race, class, gender, identity, and justice have dramatically shaped how people think, act, and view one another—in Christian and secular spheres alike.
Larry Stamm
“Serving in His Court”

Genesis Gold Group
Matthew Hill with Jonathan Rose
Genesis Gold Group believes the Bible gives clues on how man-made currencies (paper money) represent instability and a lack of virtue and encourage living wastefully in excess.
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The Time of the Signs (Part 1)
Josh Davis with Barry Stagner
The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?
Josh Davis
“Onesimus Update”

The Time of the Signs (Part 2)
Josh Davis with Barry Stagner
The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?
Larry Spargimino
“A Moment of Prophecy”

“Introducing Affirm Apologetics”
Clayton Van Huss, Josh Davis, and Larry Spargimino
Clayton Van Huss helps to open up the eyes of the believers within the field known as “apologetics,” We are all called to be witnesses for Jesus and to defend the faith.
One way to stay up on what is going on in prophecy is the Prophecy in the News magazine.
It is a treasure trove of classic and new resources that are back with the same mission, as well as a new vision. Enjoy the latest sojourns into the world of biblical mysteries, discoveries and hope for the future. Subscribe today!

Is America in Bible Prophecy?
Don Perkins
Experience SWRC’s October Prophecy Conference held in Columbus, Ohio, on this video featuring Evangelist Donald Perkins, fascinating topics relevant to today’s Christians. Watch again and again as Evangelist Donald Perkins presents “Is America in Bible Prophecy?” and “The Coming Mark of the Beast.” There is so much to absorb and be inspired and encouraged by in this one-of-a-kind collection!

Surviving the Tribulation
Douglas Stauffer
Experience SWRC’s October Prophecy Conference held in Columbus, Ohio, on this video featuring Dr. Doug Stauffer, fascinating topics relevant to today’s Christians.
Watch again and again as Dr. Doug Stauffer presents “Surviving the Tribulation” and “The Great Deception.”
There is so much to absorb and be inspired and encouraged by in this one-of- a-kind collection!

One Day Nearer (Part 1)
Larry Spargimino with Steve Miller
The absolute certainty of Christ’s return is proclaimed all through the Bible. God has given us many prophecies about this wonderful event to fill us with hope. In a world that is descending deeper into evil and darkness, Bible prophecy is God’s way of assuring us that, ultimately, goodness and righteousness will prevail. One Day Nearer is an invitation to let the great truths and promises found in Bible prophecy encourage you.
Clayton Van Huss
“Biblically Grounded”

One Day Nearer (Part 2)
Larry Spargimino with Steve Miller
The absolute certainty of Christ’s return is proclaimed all through the Bible. God has given us many prophecies about this wonderful event to fill us with hope. In a world that is descending deeper into evil and darkness, Bible prophecy is God’s way of assuring us that, ultimately, goodness and righteousness will prevail. One Day Nearer is an invitation to let the great truths and promises found in Bible prophecy encourage you.
Josh Davis
“A Moment of Prophecy”

Revealing Revelation
Josh Davis and J R Church
Where is Mystery Babylon? Is it possible to identify the Antichrist? How will the 666 be used to control the people during the Tribulation Period?
These and other questions are answered in this series on the Bible’s most mysterious book. This study in the Book of Revelation reveals key concepts that are necessary for an understanding of what is considered to be the most mystical book in the Bible. As the 21st century moves us into the future, find out just what John wanted us to see.

Adam First and Last (Part 1)
Josh Davis and Simon Turpin
Adam: First and the Last will prepare you, your family, and your church to stand against today’s false teachers and strengthen your faith in the infallible Word of God. Turpin offers a true biblical apologetic that will be used for decades and even centuries to help the Body of Christ hold fast to their confession of faith without wavering.
Larry Spargimino
“Ask Pastor Larry”

Adam First and Last (Part 2)
Josh Davis and Simon Turpin
Adam: First and the Last will prepare you, your family, and your church to stand against today’s false teachers and strengthen your faith in the infallible Word of God. Turpin offers a true biblical apologetic that will be used for decades and even centuries to help the Body of Christ hold fast to their confession of faith without wavering.
Micah Van Huss
“Marginal Mysteries”