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Congresswoman attempts to deny this rampant thievery and destruction of life and limb.

| David Bay

“Openly socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been getting blasted for attempting to downplay the smash-and-grab crimewave that has been destroying retail outlets in recent months.

Speaking with the Washington Times last week, Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the allegations of “organized retail theft” as a hoax with not much evidence to back it up.”

“[A] lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I believe it’s a Walgreens in California cited it, but the data didn’t back it up.”

However, facts are screaming a different tune: “Contrary to the New York Democrat’s claims, the smash-and-grab crimewave has severely impacted retail outlets, with up to tens of billions of dollars in losses, according to the Associated Press.”

What happens to any nation whose leaders will not enforce God’s decree as punishment for particular sin?

In His good timing, God will inflict the punishment for crimes upon all the people that our leaders are refusing to apply. 

I do believe that America is guilty of both the same sins of which Israel was guilty but is also guilty of gross sins which God never mentioned. How did God destroy Israel?

Has God written “Ichabod” — “The glory is departed” — over the doors to the churches in America?

Ezekiel, the man of God, to whom God personally spoke, was so hated for his true testimony, was so hated by his people to whom he ministered. Rather than appreciate his work, they demanded “smooth illusions” from their pastors. Is this you today?

We implore you to search your own heart to see if you are inflexible and unbending in telling the truth about the nation of America, or are you one who wants to be told “smooth things”, pleasant things, especially on a Sunday morning as you are getting ready to go to church? The answer just might tell you a lot about the true nature of your soul before God.


Come out from her [evil system], My people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues.” [Revelation 18:4]

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