Psalm 103:10
King James Version
He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
How many of us have left work, ate supper, and went to bed with someone on our mind we have dealt or are dealing with that has hurt us deeply? We would like nothing more than to seek revenge and have that one moment to make them feel the hurt, pain, and suffering they caused us.
Not all, but some, have allowed these types of people and situations to control them, allowing themselves to be driven and consumed by the desire of self-righteous indignation.
What have we gained if we get even? The right to have a celebration party of one? What fun is that, to rejoice without the right to share our victories with anyone in our lives? Is this what we want? Is it really worth it to waste all the sunrises and sunsets worried about dealing with others as they have us?
The Psalmist gives us such a beautiful picture of how to handle those who have wronged us. We should handle them like the Lord does us. “He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.” In spite of our transgressions, iniquities, and sin, God has been faithful, loving, and kind. He chooses to restore, not destroy, His relationship with His children.
Our prayer for you this week: May you find the power to become like God and not deal treacherously with those that have wronged you.
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