My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. – Hosea 4:6
The devil is the master of deception and lies, and he uses these tactics against Christians when he wages spiritual war. In warfare, we don’t rise to the occasion. We rise to the level of our training.
Drs. Ken Copley and Greg Patten have a combined 80 years on the front lines of the spiritual war battlefield.
In this one-day intensive conference Copley, a Christian counselor, and Patten, a pastor and speaker, will help participants prepare for battle, training them in practical ways to help others find victory over the enemy and overcome demonic bondage by becoming well-armed spiritual warriors.
Join us at three locations in 2025:
6 Teaching

Pastor/Evangelist Greg Patten recently celebrated 35 years at The Cross Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Dr. Patten has decades of experience researching and counseling on the spirit world. His newest book, Invisible War on the Saints, is already helping people navigate this crucial yet often neglected aspect of a Christian’s spiritual life. He also hosted a 36-part video series on the topic.
In addition to being a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Dr. Patten hosts a daily news and information radio program with a spiritual twist called “Hello, World.” As a well-known radio personality and news anchor, he has visited the Oval Office and spoken with several U.S. presidents.
Dr. Patten’s life story and conversion have been featured globally on the famous “Unshackled” radio program. He believes his ministry is directed towards the end times, focusing on demonic control in the world today and politics.
Dr. Patten studied English and Speech at St. Francis University in Fort Wayne, and pursued ministry studies at Bob Jones University. In 2006, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Pastors Seminary in Indianapolis.

Ken Copley was raised in a Christian home, accepting Christ at age 21 and soon after, being called into full-time ministry. Copley graduated from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in 1974 with a bachelor’s in Bible and from Central Theological Seminary in 1978 with a master of arts in Christian education. Copley’s journey in pastoral care continued as he graduated with a Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity Seminary in 1981.
In addition, Copley holds a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist Seminary, School of Scriptures division, in biblical studies. In 2006, Dr. Copley earned an M.Div in Pastoral Theology from Pastors Seminary. He served as a youth pastor through his college and seminary years, 1970-1978. Over 17 years, he pastored three churches and from 1982-88, Dr. Copley taught pastoral theology at Valley Baptist Seminary.
From 1988 to the present, Dr. Copley has served as a biblical warfare counselor, having been mentored in warfare counseling by Drs. Jim Logan and Mark Bubeck, among others. He was privileged to found a Christian school for grades K-12, a four-year Bible college, a biblical counseling center, and a theological seminary as well as to write two books – The Great Deceiver: Unmasking the Lies of Satan and Setting Captives Free: Scriptural Principles for Effective Warfare Counseling.