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“Devout” Catholic President Blasts Texas Pro-Life Law

| Jerry Tyson

Catholic Vote – Sean Salai on September 1, 2021

“Devout” Catholic President Blasts Texas Pro-Life Law

There are some issues that refuse to go away. Joe Biden has brought one of them to the forefront of consideration. I assume most SWRC regulars are not Catholic, so this portion of the abortion debate may not be something you have heard.

CV NEWS FEED // The nation’s second Catholic president blasted a new pro-life law on Wednesday that banned most abortions in Texas

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. said in a statement that the new state ban on abortions after six weeks “will significantly impair women’s access to the health care they need, particularly for communities of color and individuals with low incomes.”

The president also objected that Senate Bill 8, which Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed in May, allows pro-life advocates to sue any abortion providers or individuals who “aid or abet” a woman in violating the ban.

“My administration is deeply committed to the constitutional right established in Roe v. Wade nearly five decades ago and will defend and protect that right,” Biden added, clarifying that he supports abortion on demand.

Brian Burch, president of, responded that the Texas law should be cause for celebration on such a historic day — particularly among Catholics like Biden who claim to be devout.

“Protecting innocent unborn human life is foundational to building a civilization of love,” Burch said. “For this reason, it is also beyond shameful to see a Catholic President of the United States attack this effort to protect children and mothers in Texas.  Catholics are called to defend the weakest and most vulnerable.  Once again President Biden betrays his faith.”

Burch referenced the bill’s reputation as “the heartbeat law” because a baby already has a heartbeat and developing blood vessels, spinal cord, and brain at six weeks. He also noted that Texas legislators voted to invest $100 million to help mothers, including pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes, to provide free services including counseling, parenting help, diapers, formula, and job training to mothers who seek to keep their babies.