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Dr. Patten’s Sin List

As you work through this sin list it, is important you are assured of your salvation (John 3:16).

For whosover shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13). 

Can you say, “To the best of my knowledge, I have asked forgiveness of my sin and invited Christ into my heart.” With salvation secure and my future home in Heaven, we go to God now.

  • Step 1:

    Go over this list prayerfully. If a sin applies to you, just put a check mark and if you want to write in any additional sins or information please do so. This is your “freedom paper.” Use it accordingly.

  • Step 2:
    Confess each sin out loud to God and agree with him that you committed this sin.
  • Step 3:

    Receive forgiveness and cleansing of this sin by saying: “God with (this transgression), I have sinned against you and I confess that now. Thank you for forgiving me. Your blood cleanses me from (my sin) and I now accept your forgiveness.” Repeat this for each sin.

  • Step 4:

    As Jesus rebuked Satan in Matthew 4, you should speak aloud to your adversary and enemy, and verbally break any contacts you have made with him in your sin, saying: “Satan, it is written, ‘If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.’ I now break any contracts, cancel any relationship, take back any territory that I may have yielded to you through this sin.”

    • I am forgiven.
    • I am cleansed.
    • I am therefore free now in Jesus Christ.
  • Step 5:
    Mark off each sin that applies to you. As you proceed through this list, remember the blood of Jesus cleanses your heart.
  • Step 6:
    When you have completed your reconnection to Christ, and your rejuvenation,  destroy this list just as your sin has been wiped away and removed from your soul and life.

Remember God has separated your sin from you.

As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12).

God has buried your sin in the deepest sea.

He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19).

God has forgiven your sin.

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more (Jeremiah 31:34).

God has blotted out your sin.

I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee (Isaiah 44:22).

God has forgiven you.

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; (Psalm 103:3).

God has cleansed you.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Remember that any future accusations that Satan should bring your way can be taken through this process quickly and in doing so, Satan’s accusations and his condemnation of you become the vehicle for your freedom and for your liberty. You are a victor and not a victim.

Praise His holy name!

Dr. Greg Patten

Sin List — Check those that are or have been sins in your past. GIVE NO PLACE TO THE DEVIL.

⬚ Anger
⬚ Bitterness
⬚ Critical Spirit
⬚ Cursing
⬚ Deceit
⬚ Disobedience
⬚ Doubt / Unbelief (in God)
⬚ Envy
⬚ Fear
⬚ Gossip
⬚ Greed

⬚ Hatred
⬚ Hearing and seeing evil music to visuals which includes video games
⬚ Incest
⬚ Jealousy
⬚ Lust
⬚ Malice
⬚ Materialism
⬚ Murder (even in your thoughts)
⬚ Pride
⬚ Rage
⬚ Rebellion

⬚ Revenge
⬚ Resentment
⬚ Self-pity
⬚ Slander
⬚ Smoking
⬚ Suicidal Thoughts
⬚ Temper
⬚ Theft
⬚ Unforgiveness
⬚ Vile Wording
⬚ Violence 

We have worked with so many Christians where one of these sins being unconfessed has led to real ongoing bondage and control in an individual’s life. Nothing will change until sins are confronted and confessed. You can go to church and even serve, but somewhere in the life of that individual, the enemy holds ground, bringing heartache and pain that lasts until dealt with. Pray on these things beloved. Victor or victim?

Here are some general categories that can capture you and lead to the enemy really taking control in your life. Either I or others battling the enemy have encountered these and no doubt others that have not been shared.

Addiction – Legal and Illegal Drugs (Cocaine-Fentanyl, other mind-altering drugs)
⬚ Alcohol

Sexual Sins
⬚ Fornication
⬚ Homosexuality
⬚ Prostitution
⬚ Sodomy
⬚ Pornography

Occult and Divination
⬚ Aleister Crowley
⬚ Animal Sacrifice
⬚ Any Occultic Object
⬚ Anton LaVey
⬚ Astrology
⬚ Black Magic
⬚ Black Mass
⬚ Charms
⬚ Church of Satan / Satanic bible
⬚ Clairvoyance
⬚ Crystal Balls
⬚ Divination
⬚ Edgar Cayce
⬚ Fire Walking
⬚ Fortunetelling
⬚ Harry Potter

⬚ Halloween
⬚ Horoscopes
⬚ Humanism
⬚ Human Sacrifice
⬚ Hypnotism
⬚ I Ching (Ancient Chinese Divination text)
⬚ Levitation
⬚ Seance
⬚ Magic
⬚ Mediation
⬚ Necromancy
⬚ Ouija board
⬚ Palm reading
⬚ Pentagram
⬚ Parapsychology
⬚ Poltergeist
⬚ Psychics 

⬚ Pyramids
⬚ Reincarnation
⬚ Rod and the pendulum / Dousing (water witching)
⬚ Sadism
⬚ Satanic
⬚ Satanic Worship and rituals
⬚ Self-torture / Cutting
⬚ Spiritism
⬚ Spiritualism
⬚ Table listing
⬚ Tarot Cards
⬚ Telepathy
⬚ Unbelief
⬚ Voodoo
⬚ Warlocks
⬚ Witchcraft
⬚ Yoga

Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation (Exodus 34:7).

Family, Cults and Religions
⬚ Generational Sins
⬚ Adoption (Addressing the sin in your heritage – birth parents)
⬚ Amish heritage
⬚ Curses
⬚ Book of Enoch
⬚ Book of Shadows
⬚ Book of Mormon
⬚ Mormons
⬚ Christian Science
⬚ Demons (known)
⬚ Druids


⬚ Eckankar
⬚ Fake Jesus
⬚ Freemasonry
⬚ Gnosticism
⬚ Hindu / Shamans
⬚ Indian Heritage
⬚ Jehovah Witness
⬚ Kabbalah
⬚ New Age
⬚ Nostradamus
⬚ Rosicrucian
⬚ Shirley MacLaine
⬚ Scientology

⬚ Sun Worship
⬚ Theosophy / Latin / Baha’ism
⬚ Transcendental Meditation
⬚ Tongues – Speaking in a demonic tongue (Those tested as demonic, in many cases)
⬚ Unitarianism
⬚ Wicca
⬚ Yin and Yang
⬚ Zombiism

Groups like off-base lodges and societies. Be careful of any groups that use the Bible and God in way that is not in concert with salvation through Christ and divorcing the blood from the Word.

Further Help

Make a list of all your possessions, including things and people (such as spouse/children).

Go through this list and verbally give everything to God.

Lord, I give you ___________________. Everything belongs to you. Do what is necessary to bring honor and glory to yourself. All that I am and all that I have belongs to you. Whatever position I find myself in I want to glorify you.

Next, list all titles and positions you hold. Example for the man – son, husband, dad, foreman, Sunday School teacher – everything.

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

Lord, again in everything, it is you living in me. I thank you for the victory.