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Enoch Book & CD Set & DVD Set


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The Book of Enoch is a treasure, perhaps hidden away just for these last days.





The book of Enoch is a treasure, perhaps hidden away just for the last days. Many know of it, but few understand what is contained within its ancient pages. Though the book was never placed within the canon of Scripture, it has long been held by both Jews and Gentiles to be an authentic and valuable work. J.R. Church was always fascinated by this mysterious book but frustrated that so little real research had been done on it. He wanted to compare the writing of Enoch to the Bible and see whether or not they matched up with Scripture. He searched in vain for a usable commentary before finally reaching a point where he decided to write his own! The results of his curiosity and his advanced understanding of the Bible, science, archeology and history are summarized in this amazing book. Ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, the prophecies of the book reach all the way to the latter days and the Tribulation Period. No doubt, the Book of Enoch is the stuff of legend, brought back from the days of old.

  • Author: J.R. Church
  • Binding / Format: Book – 342 pages
  • Pages / Runtime: 4 CD Set 5 Hours & DVD SET

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