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| Josh Shields

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1


Growing up in a family of six life was not always easy. However, it was good. At breakfast there were rules to be observed, do not come to the table in pajamas with uncombed hair or unbrushed teeth, and your bed had to be made. Also, you for sure better not have any sleep in your eyes. It was simple. Present yourself acceptable. Supper time was the same, wash up, clean up, and no empty seats at the table. Everyone was to be accounted for.

Dining out was a rare occasion, seeing we had no McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, or Taco Bell, not to mention any fine dining experiences. Nevertheless, we were taught how to present ourselves. Social skills, respect, and true appreciation for the finer things in life, such as relationships with family, friends, and fellowship with God were instructed starting at the table in our home.

Where has true life gone to? We struggle to keep the family together, businesses afloat, and church doors open, much less successful. Our relationships in business, families, and friendships are hurting, not to mention our walk with God. Employees want four day work weeks, three days off. We work from home. Our communication skills are nil to none, seeing we no longer have real face to face communication. Our presentations are communicated in the comfort of our pajamas thumbing our way through life on a phone. Could it be lack of self-discipline and laziness is eating us alive?

Paul reminds us presentation is a sacrifice, an acceptable lifestyle of self-control, and reasonable thinking. Take time and look life over, from your family to friends, local business to corporate. From the pastor to parishioner, Chapel to Cathedral, could it be our presentation has polluted what we are and what we are perceived to be?

Our prayer for you this week: May your presentation be one of excellence.

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