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Father of Lights

| Josh Shields

“By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.”

Proverbs 22:4 KJV

I can hear it now, “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights.”   Here the wise man talks about the gift of life and where it comes from.  “The Father of lights”, “The Lord”.

Yes, the Lord is the giver of life, but there are two things that fuel him, humility and fear.  God rewards the humble, but resists the proud.

Maybe you are spiritually bankrupt. Maybe you or someone you know needs replenishment of your heavenly riches. There are two key ingredients you need that brings about the gift of life, humility and fear of the Lord. You must respect and regard him for who He is. Yes, life is a gift, not a right.

So how does fear work in all of this? When a man fears something, he begins to focus on it. What we focus on, we begin to worship. Then, what we worship, we usually begin to experience.

Can I ask what do you fear? What are you focused on, and what are you experiencing? Are you experiencing the riches of life or the bankruptcy of death? If it is not life, then maybe you are focused on the wrong things, fearing worldliness instead of the Lord.

Our prayer for you this week: May your fear be focused on the Lord, that you may experience life and that more abundantly.

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