“Fear not; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Fear. Should this word even be in our vocabulary considering it is a four-letter word? I am a firm believer that this is a word that should be discarded from our lives, like many of the other words that got our mouths washed out with soap when we were kids.
Remember the fad diets like the “drop the dairy” diet, because “It [dairy] would hurt you.” Then we lived through the Atkins, Paleo, Zone, grapefruit, low carb, Whole 30, and of course, the Master Cleanse diet.
More than likely nothing is wrong with any of these, but the common denominator was fear. Don’t get me wrong. I know obesity is certainly not attractive to any of us in any sense of the word and truly can kill. But does it not make more sense to diet for a healthier, better quality of life, making true lifestyle changes for the long haul?
Jesus, in this discussion with His disciples about His death and resurrection, returning to the Father, and seeing them again shortly, said “Fear not; I have overcome the world.” Life is just like our anatomies. We become weighed down by the cares of life as we journey through, along the way carrying baggage, weights, and unnecessary cares and conversations that strike fear in our lives.
Like fad diets, we begin to chase every spiritual advice and religious rule we come across, trying to gain drastic immediate change in our lives, only to find out that, like these diets, when you slip or mess up, you have picked up more “weight” than you lost. True release and peace only come when you realize Christ has overcome the world and a true relationship with Him makes all the difference.
Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize there is no need for fear; Jesus has overcome the world.
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