Former Gay Drug Dealer Speaks Out About Transgenderism in America

God is alive and well on planet earth. He is alive and well in North Korea, and also in Communist China. Despite brutal totalitarian governments, the gospel is going out to millions. But is God alive and well in America?
He certainly is. Dr. Christopher Yuan, a former drug addict who lived a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, has been writing and making appearances on TV. Dr. Yuan was recently on The Van Maren Show to discuss his amazing journey and conversion, and what the LGBT agenda is doing to our society.
Yuan was raised in a very traditional family with strict Asian values, though he was not raised Christian. He first encountered pornography at age 9. He said this was “the first time that I recognized that I had these homosexual attractions.” Yuan officially “came out” in his late 20s while pursuing his doctorate in dentistry, much to the dismay of his parents. His mother told him to choose to be homosexual or choose the family. She reminded him that he could not have both.
Feeling as though this wasn’t a choice, but rather a part of who he was, Yuan went back to school and immersed himself even deeper into his party lifestyle. He points out, however, that it wasn’t same-sex attractions that pushed him into the party lifestyle. It was a lack of a relationship with God.
As he slid deeper and deeper into the party life, Yuan began selling drugs in order to maintain his own drug habit. He was expelled from school just three months before receiving his doctorate. Yuan them moved to Atlanta and sold and distributed drugs to dealers in over a dozen states. During this time, Yuan’s parents had a saving encounter with Jesus Christ. Yuan says his parents’ profound conversion gave them the ability to love their wayward homosexual son. His parents didn’t accept his promiscuous lifestyle, but they prayed and prayed for him, soliciting the help of their entire church.
Yuan said that his mother prayed that God would do whatever it took to bring Yuan to faith. Well, guess what happened? Yuan was arrested for selling and distributing drugs in Atlanta. When he was in jail, Yuan hit rock bottom. He found a Bible on top of the trash one day and began reading it. He started seeing the jail chaplain and studying the Bible. To his dismay, when he asked the chaplain about homosexuality and the Bible, he was told God did not see anything wrong with homosexuality. Although Yuan wanted to accept this, a small voice inside of him continued to put doubts in his heart as he did not see how this could be aligned with the Bible.
After being released from jail, Yuan started studying at Moody Bible Institute where is now a professor. He went on to obtain a doctorate in ministry. He also wrote a book with his mother titled Out of a Far Country. It details the struggles that both he and his mother went through when he broke away from the family to lead a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle.
Yuan warns that there any many lies in the world. We shouldn’t believe them, he says. Some argue that Christians who promote God’s teaching and design for sexuality are blamed for “killing” homosexuals. It is argued that by not accepting homosexuals, Christians directly lead to their suicides. Yuan says this is simply not true. He cites a well-known scientifically rigorous study conducted in the Netherlands, a country that is very, very open and accepting of the gay lifestyle. It shows that suicide rates for homosexual teens is higher than for other teens. Even though these teens are accepted and affirmed, the suicide rate is still higher than the non-gay population.
Some claim that the Bible endorses homosexual marriage as long as the parties in that relationship are faithful to each other and stay monogamous. I think there are two things that argue against that. First, whenever homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible it is always spoken against by God. Secondly, if God approved of homosexual marriage, don’t you think there would be some examples of it? Everything that the Bible says to couples it says to heterosexual couples. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. It never says, “Love your same-sex partner as Christ loved the church.”
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