He Wants To Make Something Out of Us

Genesis 12:2
“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:”
This is the empowerment/blessing spoken over a man named Abram, married to a barren wife, Sarai—the impossible made possible, to make something of nothingness. God never said He would make FOR him; He said, “But OF him a great nation.”
Fast forward some 3,700 years to 2023. We live in a generation that has lost sight of what God wants to do. God said, “I want to make OF you,” yet we want to convince God to make something FOR us. Entitlement is everywhere. No one wants to experience the journey of something being made OF them, but rather FOR them.
Consider our forefathers—their vision, foresight, forethought, and prudence. Consider the true anticipation of something great being in front of them and the journey to receive or experience it. I am not referring to the Mayflower, Columbus, George Washington, or the many who risked their lives and fortunes to found our nation, but common men who went to work in a suit, steel mill, feed store, or field truly leaning on God. They journeyed, knowing the risk as they stood behind a team of mules or a wagon, plowed with a Farmall M, Ford Jubilee, or a Poppin Johnny, anticipating the yield of the crop. I refer to the mother standing over the stove wearing an apron with no air conditioning, cooking for her family. The only boundary between her kids, the wild outdoors, and uncontainable imaginations was a screen door that led us on unending wild rides into the West.
Nowadays we wear Dick Tracy watches and play on touchscreen pads. We have streets full of wayward, homeless, disgruntled confused people looking for the next handout or way out. Could we have lost sight of what God wants to do? HE WANTS TO MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF US.
Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize the empowerment of having something made OF you.
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