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History of American Education Bundle


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History of American Education Book

History of American Education DVD

This eye-opening book documents almost four centuries of schooling. Learn about the first educational system and its Christian foundations. Examine the Christian educational philosophies and practices of the Pilgrims, Puritans and Founding Fathers. Understand how the agenda of the ed-u-crats led to a well-orchestrated takeover of our schools. Be informed on what you can do to return our American education system back to its original Christian principles and values. This book is ideal to share with your church, Sunday school or as a history supplement for children or schools.

Webster’s Blue Backed Speller & New England Primer Book

Both “Webster’s Blue-Backed Spelling Book” and the “New England Primer” were basic, foundational textbooks used in the schools of our republic in the 18th and 19th centuries.

This textbook will prove that our founding fathers expected moral truths to be taught in every school subject.

These two valuable basic American textbooks together in one volume remain a valuable teaching aid for homeschooling or supplementary help for public school students.

Pocket Constitution of the United States

This essential booklet contains two fundamental documents that all Americans should read.

  • The United States Constitution (Proofed word for word against the original Constitution housed in the Washington D.C. archives and identical in spelling, capitalization and punctuation.)
  • The Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 10, which were ratified on December 15, 1791, prior to the Constitution going into effect.)
  • Amendments 11 27 (Ratified between 1795 and 1992)
  • The Declaration of Independence (Adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776)
  • Index to the U.S. Constitution and Amendments

On the cover of this booklet is a picture of George Washington holding a quill in his hand, inviting each of us to pledge our commitment to read and defend the Constitution of the United States. This picture was commissioned for the bicentennial of the United States Constitution in 1987.

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