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Is He leading your steps?

| Josh Shields

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 23

This line is birthed in a cave by David, while hiding out from King Saul who seeks to take his life. David reminds himself, even thou Saul is the king chosen by the people, Saul is not who is directing his steps nor controls his success. David had assurance all is well. God sent Samuel to anoint him to be king, and though it had not yet happened, it still was in the plan of God.

Today we awake to a trembling world! Russia is at war with Ukraine. Nations are aligning against Israel. Hunger and homelessness fill our streets, interest rates and inflation are on the rise, and our news has turned into a rating seeking industry instead of a reliable source of information. Our children are being infected in school by political agendas, and we are made to feel like our opinion doesn’t count. If we would allow it, life would feel like it is closing in on us like the darkness of the cave David was in.

Stop. Shake yourself. You have to come to the realization the story does not end this way. Remember, you have been anointed to make a difference in this world. David realized he may be under Saul in a political sense, but THE LORD was ordering his steps.

When the world around you seems like it’s crashing down, don’t be shaken! Lead your family with courage, operate your business with assurance, pastor with integrity, and work with passion. This world may be reeling, wobbling, and imbalanced, but this is our finest hour, our time to rise. Our steps are ordered of the Good Shepherd.  Like David, our promotion is coming. God’s word has already declared it. Our shepherd has ordered it.

Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize who is ordering your steps.

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