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Know what you are not

| Josh Shields

He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough. Proverbs 28:19


If I could quote a mentor of mine, Pastor Mike McCord of Ray of Hope Church in Comanche, Oklahoma, “Be an original. If you are a copy of someone, then you are an imposter.” Too many of us try our hardest to be what we are not. Matthew McConaughey said, “Know what you are not.” Often, we never find out who we really are because we are too busy living a life of impostership.

Scripture provides an interesting observation. “He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread.” Too many of us never see the beauty of what God has given us. Here the scripture states the gift of land to be tilled. What about our gifts and talents we have not yet displayed, visions we have not taken the time to observe, and dreams we have not yet chased?

We are quick to notice others’ success and try to piggyback off their ideas, plans, and goals. No, I’m not discouraging helping others reach their ideas and goals. We certainly should help others be successful.

What I am saying is that we spend way too little time evaluating the field, ability, talent, desire, and aptitude God has put inside of us. We are quick to try to imitate, duplicate, replicate, and mimic someone else. All the while complaining because of our lack of plenty.

Look at your hands. No one has ever, nor will they ever, have those fingerprints. Your vocal vibrations are yours and yours alone. That heartbeat God gave to you and those eyes have been custom-made to your specs, according to God. If you want plenty in your life, then quit desiring who and what everyone else is and plow the field you been given.

Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize the value in the field you have been given by God.  

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