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May God Refresh Us and Set Us on Fire

| Josh Davis

Jesus warned that during the Great Tribulation, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax [grow] cold” (Matt. 24:12). While we are not in the Great Tribulation, we see the increase of hatred all around. Jesus warned that growing animosity toward God’s Truth would chill people’s hearts. As lawlessness increases, love decreases.

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump reveals the deepening divide fueled by hatred in America. Over the years, political discourse devolved into hot-take name calling, which devolved into comparing leaders like Trump to Hitler. The pen is still mightier than the sword. Hateful words lead to hateful actions, like the assassination attempt on Trump.

This despicable action reveals how much lawlessness and hatred have grown in America. If that were not bad enough, several people took to social media to lament the fact that the bullet was just an inch or two off its target.

As I drove down the road Tuesday, I was listening to Christian radio. A short news segment came on near the top of the hour and two back-to-back stories shocked me so much I had to turn off my radio so that I could absorb what was said.

The first story told how Tenacious D, the comedy rock duo composed of actor Jack Black and Kyle Gass, canceled their international tour after Gass’ comments on stage about Trump. The duo was performing in Sydney, Australia, on Gass’ birthday. To celebrate, a cake was brought onto stage and Jack Black asked him to make a wish. His wish? “Don’t miss Trump next time.”

The second news story from SRN News reported that “ ‘the leader of a neo-Nazi extremist group based in eastern Europe has been charged with plotting to have an associate dress up as Santa Claus and hand out poisoned candy to Jewish children in New York City to sow terror,’ prosecutors said Tuesday.”

Shocking. Horrifying. Beyond disturbing. I was so dumbfounded by these stories that I had to drive in silence, pondering the state of our world and praying for God to have mercy upon us.

God promised this would happen when people turn away from His Truth. Say what you will about global warming, the far greater danger is the spiritual cooling of this world. As postmodernism touted, “Live your truth,” the world has filled itself with selfishness and emptied itself of genuine compassion. We are experiencing the consequences of a culture that rejects God’s truth.

Both sides of the American political aisle are guilty of spewing shameful speech. But what has sent emotions and actions into the stratosphere is the level of importance Americans place on politics. For some, government is their provider, their savior, their sustainer, their god and city halls are their house of worship. When the false god of government goes astray from their vision, some will stop at nothing to ensure the god of their own making will be empowered.

Do not misunderstand me. Politics and political engagement are an important right and privilege that Americans possess. I am not arguing that Christians should retreat from this sphere of influence. That is driving the car into the other ditch. I am merely pointing out what happens when a society rejects God’s authority and tries to save itself through means that were never meant to rescue us.

This world needs Jesus. America will not survive without Jesus. It is not up to the political leaders to change this nation. It is up to the church. Yes, you read that right. What does the Scripture say? “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

Faithful followers of Jesus are the most powerful and the most important group in the world right now. I am not speaking in numerical but in spiritual terms. As born-again believers, we have the Holy Spirit, the very presence of Almighty God, living in us. God has His church here for this moment. We must be the light shining God’s truth into this present darkness.

As the world cools spiritually, may the church get back on fire by drawing ever closer to the Lord and walking in holiness with Him. May God grant His people a season of spiritual refreshing that would change the church and impact the world for eternity!