May you overcome what has caused so many others to fail

“And again, I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:24
Blessings are the one constant that has seemed to haunt humanity since the beginning of our existence. Everything about creation seemed to be flawless until God blessed Adam and Eve, and within six chapters God is repenting that He made man.
Blessings, riches, and wealth seem to be the achilles heel of God’s people. It’s as if they are the constant threading of the needle that humanity seems to struggle with.
What is it about earthly, worldly riches that get ahold of a man and seem to block his vision of the world to come? Have we not figured out we are only passing through, and moth and rust will corrupt the things we have accumulated?
No matter how much we gain in this life, when it is all over, someone else will mow our lawn, sit in our recliners, and spend or invest the money, IRAs, CDs and banks accounts we leave behind.
The truth is when we cross the Jordan it will not be in our SUVs, sports cars, ATVs, or UTVs. Our souls will not be accompanied or saved by our earthly accomplishments or possessions, but by our willingness to repent, obey baptism in the lovely name of Jesus, and have a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Don’t allow the things of this world to keep you from eternal life with Jesus Christ. Understand that anything in this life, outside of faith, family, and friends, is replaceable.
Our prayer for you this week: May you overcome what has caused so many others to fail, this present world’s riches.
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