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May you see what Jesus sees

| Josh Shields

Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

John 9:3

It amazes me how many people today say they have the mind of God and/or know what Jesus is looking for.  I ask the question, “Do we really have the mind and or vision of the Lord?”

When we see Judas, we see a turncoat coward that sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver. Yet, when he came to betray Jesus, Jesus called him friend. Is that what we would have called him?  Then, Peter raised his sword and cut off the soldier’s ear in defense of our Lord. Yet, Jesus instructed him to put away the sword and proceeded to put the ear back on.

We, like the religious world of that day in John 9, seem to see and dwell on the negative. When the disciples asked the question, “Who did sin, this man, or his parents,” it sounds so much like humanity and even the church of today.  We spend more time trying to figure out the why and who is to blame, instead of realizing that they have come to the right place, to Jesus for help. 

We see the problem, blindness, betrayer, or enemy, but Jesus sees opportunity, a friend, and an ally.  We focus on our inflictions, but Jesus focuses on being revealed as who He is, what He is, and why He came.  If there wasn’t a betrayer, there would not be a soldier.  No soldier, no arrest. No arrest, no Calvary. No Calvary, no cure.  So don’t get caught up on the blindness, who sinned, or who is to blame. Instead, when you see an obstacle, start looking for the miracles. Jesus is seeking the opportunity to be revealed.

Our prayer for you this week: May you see what Jesus sees – opportunity, exposure, and revelation to and for a lost world.

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