No Man Is Your Judge!

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
When I was a kid, things were so much different than they are now. There were no participation trophies. You either won or lost. You did not join a team. You tried out, and the coach decided if you had the ability to be on the team. This was not crude, rude, or socially unacceptable.
These kinds of successes or shortcomings help a parent to find one’s child’s talents. They did not make the football team. Is that a bad thing? Maybe they will be an accountant, analyst, journalist, or something else instead.
Often, we did not get to do it when were youngsters, so we are going to put our kids in everything there is and force the coach to like them and play them, and when things don’t go our way, we will fuss and threaten to remove the coach from the position for which they volunteered.
The coach is trying to inform you that your kid is not ready or geared for this kind of activity. There is something more rewarding for them, a place where they can shine, rise to the top, and become what they were created to be.
One of the last lines my father penned and preached in a message was, “NO MAN IS YOUR JUDGE!” Too many of us are running around trying to fit in, attempting to be what everyone else is, looking for a participation trophy, pat on the back, or an “Attaboy.”
Listen, instead, to that still small voice of Jesus. Let Him give direction. It may hurt, but He will put us in the place where we are rewarded for our efforts.
Our prayer for you today: May you find the courage to listen to the Rewarder, Jesus Christ.
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