Occupy Until He Comes!

“And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13
This week I have been in several conversations about the conflict in Gaza and the horrific attack on Israel. A continual barrage of missiles has invoked the law of physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The inhuman encounters and terroristic actions have caused innocent men, women, and children to lose their lives.
Our world is shaken and rightfully so. What is the ripple effect? When is enough enough? Spiritual wickedness in high places is immediately pointing fingers at others, trying to place blame on others to gain preeminence, position, and leverage for its own agenda.
Uninformed accusers are trying to bring rationalization to an ever-increasing problem in our world, the world of being uninformed. This conflict that only the Prince of Peace can resolve started with the act of Abram and Sarai not listening to the promise of God. The loss of focus on the promise of God has caused a great strain on many.
Many questions have arisen because of the most recent upheaval in Gaza – questions only God has the answer to. Is Jesus about to come? Will this reveal the Antichrist? Will this open the door to the temple being rebuilt? All of these things could take place.
In Luke 19, Jesus gives instruction in a parable of what we are to do, which is: Occupy until He comes. Take note, “Occupy” is capitalized. Occupy, take over, establish, do business, busy yourself.
Prayer warrior, keep on praying. Pastor, keep on pastoring. Preacher, keep on preaching. Evangelist, keep on evangelizing. Singer, keep on singing. Father and mother, keep on parenting. Teacher, keep on teaching. Businessman, keep on doing business.
Our prayer for you this week: May you keep focused on the command of Jesus and “Occupy.”
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