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On The Third day

| Josh Shields

And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

1 Corinthians 15:4

Jesus warned them of the third day, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” If they had known their history and the doings of God like they knew the law, they would have known who He was.

In Genesis, it was the third day when He gave fruitfulness to the earth and when Abraham looked up and seen Mount Mariah. It was also the third day when Jacob escaped Laban, the day Levi and Simeon destroyed the prince of Shechem, the day of restoration for the butler with Pharaoh, and the day Joseph’s brothers received instruction to live.

In Exodus, the third day was the day God came down on Mount Sinai, and the voice of God showed up. In Leviticus, it was the day of the peace offering, the day of Eliab’s offering, the tabernacle offering, and the day of purification. In Joshua, it was a day of praise and unity.

In Judges, it was the day the Benjamites were destroyed. In 1st Samuel, the day of the covenant with Johnathon and David and the day God hears David at Ziklag. It was the day Saul died, and the anointed King David rose to power.  In 1st Kings, it was a day of deliverance. In 2nd Kings, a day of healing, the day to go to the House of the Lord, and the day the shadow moved forward ten degrees.

In 2nd Chronicles, the day to approach the king, and in Ezra, a day of flourishing of the house. It is the day Esther prepared herself to approach the king. In Hosea, it’s a day of raising.  In John, it was the third day when Jesus turned the water into wine. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke it is the day of promise, the day of Resurrection, Truth and Life.

Our Prayer for you this week: May you take time today to join in and celebrate the one and only risen Savior of the world, Jesus the Christ. 

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