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Our Daily Bread

| Josh Shields


Give us this day our daily bread.  Matthew 6:11

In teaching His disciples to pray, Jesus makes a profound statement in verse 11: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Three times, Jesus breaks bread and demonstrates power, authority and revelation. He demonstrates His power in John 6 in the feeding of 5,000. In Luke 22, He breaks bread, operating in authority to expose who would betray Him. Lastly, in Luke 24, He reveals who He is by breaking bread.

Jesus instructs His disciples to ask for daily bread – provision or endowment of His power, revelation and authority to be given on a daily basis. How many of us need something daily and we come up short? Maybe you’re in need of a sale, promotion or raise. Maybe your need is physical such as healing, strength or wisdom.

Could it be you need God to provide a buyer for a business, home or a product? Maybe you need healing in a relationship with your wife, a business partner or between you and a child. It might be a pastor or a parishioner. Whatever the case, maybe Jesus gives us an answer to many of life’s problems that come our way daily.

“Give us this day” our daily provision, sustenance or source to make it. Many of us have been trying to figure out a way to make it work; for it to come into play or take legs and walk; manufacture it; make it; and in most cases, will our answer into existence.

While it does take an effort on our part – moving in faith, stepping out, communicating, collaborating and/or connecting – Jesus said we should remember that it is our Father who provides.

When was the last time you asked God to make provision for the situation before you walked into the meeting, made the sales call, approached the pulpit or gave advice to an employee, co-worker, parishioner, child, spouse or friend?

Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize God is a daily provider of the bread you need.     

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