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Pakistan and Grace Bible School

In the heart of Pakistan, where faith is tested and persecution is a reality, Southwest Radio Ministries stands as a beacon of hope for young Christian believers. In 2009, Pastor Larry Spargimino felt the call to establish a Christian school for children denied access to government education because of their faith. What began as a small group of believers seeking to start a church has blossomed into a thriving community of over 400 students across two campuses.

Despite facing challenges and opposition, Pastor Larry remained steadfast in his commitment to providing education, nourishment, and medical care to these young believers. Through his dedication and the support of generous donors, Southwest Radio Ministries has been able to make a tangible difference in the lives of countless children in Pakistan.

The impact of their work extends far beyond the classroom walls. By providing essential resources and support, they are not only meeting the physical needs of these children but also nurturing their spiritual growth. Through Pastor Larry’s preaching and teaching via Skype, the students are instilled with a deep understanding of Bible doctrine and end-times prophecy, equipping them to stand firm in their faith amidst adversity.

In a country where Christianity is a minority religion and believers face persecution, the work of Southwest Radio Ministries is more important than ever. We are not merely building schools; we are building bridges of understanding and compassion, showing the love of Christ to a world in need. Their dedication to serving the marginalized and oppressed is a testament to the transformative power of faith in action.

Southwest Radio Ministries offers an opportunity to make a real impact in the lives of their fellow believers. By standing with them in their mission, you can help provide hope, education, and a brighter future for the children of Pakistan. Together, we can be a beacon of light in the darkness, sharing the love of Christ with those who need it most.