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Perfect Balance with Christ

| Josh Shields

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  Psalm 1:1


Three things our parents could not wait for us to accomplish in life are mentioned in this scripture: walk, stand, and sit. I am amused watching parents, no matter what ethnicity, culture, or creed. No matter what language they may speak, there are three constants that remain the same.  Every parent, grandparent, and sibling has the same interest; when did your child, grandchild, or little sister or brother learn to sit up, stand, or walk?

We are amused when they start learning to sit up, pull up, and stand, then when they let go and begin to walk. We applaud as they weeble and wobble trying to maintain their balance. At first, we are so glad they are catching on, but there comes a time when they have to learn the proper etiquette of how to sit, stand, and walk without a crutch. I don’t know about you, but I have leaned back too far and fell over in my chair. I have stood in the wrong place and found myself out of balance, stumbling as I walk having to realign myself.

The Psalmist seems to be reminding Israel of the proper way to walk, stand, and sit. How many of us have lost balance by walking with the wrong crowd, and found ourselves in the way of sinners blocking the real testimony of who and what Jesus is in our lives, because we have become imbalanced in our journey! Unfortunately, more often than not, we find ourselves spending more time complaining about our church, job, pastor, owner, manager, boss, lead, or co-worker, not realizing the time Christ is most proud of us is when we are balanced, sitting, standing, and walking without a crutch.

Our prayer for you this week: May we learn to sit, walk, and stand in perfect balance with Christ. 

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