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prayer wall

Prayer Wall

Through prayer for one another we can experience a deeper connection with fellow Christians. These moments of sharing bring unity to the body of Christ and strengthen our personal walk with the Lord as we witness His Spirit moving. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.

(Note: This wall is monitored and inappropriate posts will be removed.)

Prayer Wall

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A Message of Hope

The Good News of the Gospel is for everyone

We want to give you the best news you will ever read! This message has the power to change your life for all eternity. Something that wonderful sounds like it must be expensive, but guess what? It is absolutely free. God extends His free gift of grace, mercy and love to you today. Let us briefly explain this good news to you:

God wants a relationship with you that begins now and lasts forever. No matter who you are or what you have done, this gift is for you. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Nobody is perfect. We have all thought, said, and done things that are wrong. That’s called “sin.” God is perfect and cannot look upon sin. We must realize this bad news so we can understand how great the good news is. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

We cannot pay for our sins by our good works. Our best effort still leads to eternal separation from a perfect God. But here is the best news ever—when Jesus died on the cross, He paid the total price for our sins so we can have eternal life! “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

How much does God love you? When Jesus died on the cross, He took your death sentence upon Himself. He died in your place to prove His love for you! “But God commendeth [demonstrates] his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Jesus did not stay dead. Because He is God, He rose from the dead and is alive forever! His followers asked Him how to get to heaven. He told them, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

How can we receive the greatest gift ever given? “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved… For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:9, 13).

Friend, there are no magic words you must say to receive this gift. In your own way, express your heart to God, or borrow this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for me and rose from the dead. I want to turn from my sins and receive your gift of eternal life. Thank you for saving me today, Jesus! In Your name, amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us by phone at 1-800-652-1144, by email at

Recent Prayer Requests

March 24, 2025
I was diagnosed with colon cancer a little over 3 years ago. I went through aggressive treatment of chemo and radiation but no surgery. I had many severe side affects. I haven’t been back to the Dr. in over a year. I’m having problems.. Pray God heals me from all cancer cells please and restores me to health. Thank you! ~ Amy
March 20, 2025
6 months after a work accident – broken leg – I am back to work. Still some discomfort, aching, stiffness. The doctor OK’ed me to work. The tibia was cracked in four placs but the bone was not displaced. No surgery. The doctor said the bone is healed but as for the knee and ankle he said – quote – “It will never be the same”. Workers Compensation paid $275 a week. I work four hours, five days a week and my take home pay is $361. Only $86 more than the WC check. At least now I can get things done around the house and yard, although not without some soreness. Tamara has pain issues in her arms. Only recently we think we have found the source is two slipped discs in her neck. This will require surgery but we are not sure how long before this can happen. Also there’s no way to know how much it will cost. We are both collecting modest Social Security payments. I work part time – Tamara is not able to work, although she is an expert secretary/administrator. I don’t know what to ask God for in our situation. But I pray regluarly for our marraige, home and finances. Thanks for past prayers. Somehow I feel you all are making a difference. ~ Anonymous
March 18, 2025
Please pray they me and my wife do not have any problems with the IRS this year as we file our taxes. Please pray that we do not have any penalties or fines. That everything goes well this year please pray. ~ Anonymous
February 27, 2025
I am late 70s and would appreciate prayer for bad kidneys, prostate troubles and a lower back issue which makes standing and walking very awkward and uncomfortable. I don’t have or want any physician other than Jesus although I did go to the hospital emergency for severe pain a while back which is when I was told my kidneys were “very bad”. I will inform when your prayers bring relief. James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 2 Chronicles 16:12-13 12 And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. 13 And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign. King James Version ~ John
February 20, 2025
We are under a demonic attack from a narcissist sociopath family member. This person has made comments to me about my son who is seeking and ungodly lifestyle and has moved in with this person. My other son said he is under attack. It has been going on for a while. This person hates my family. Pray for our protection, mental health and finances. Cover us with the blood of Jesus. Pray for this stronghold to break. ~ Mitzi
February 20, 2025
Please pray for my grandson (Christian) he has a hearing tomorrow. Ask our heavenly Father to please pray that he will get court ordered rehab instead of jail time. Thank you so much!! ~ Debbie
February 11, 2025
I need so many times from the LORD but I would summarize here. Please pray for my own parents to stop making things so hard for me and to actually show love, care, and genuine support. Also, my sister and brother-in-law creates problems so I pray against the family strongman. I suffer from terrible pain which prevents sleep and I need His intervention in healing the spinal discs and nerves that require miraculous regeneration and alignment. Financial & court matter favor is needed. Thanks! ~ Dane
February 10, 2025
Please pray God touch His People’s Hearts to obey Him and not the World’s dictates. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Pray Peace beyond measure over President Trump, his Family, Relatives and entire Staff and Supporters. Pray this for Leaders and People World wide. And Salvation to the Lost World wide. John 3:16-17 Thank you and God Bless. Thank you for your Ministry – be encouraged! Psalm 59 for USA and your Ministry ~ P
February 10, 2025
I need healing from high blood pressure diabetic and deliverance my sense of smell back I need healing from other things I can’t remember at the moment Jesus 🙏 ~ Carlos
February 10, 2025
Please pray for me and my wife to not have any issues or penalties from the IRS this year ~ Anonymous
January 23, 2025
Would you all please add a sweet 1-year-old baby girl named Kenzie to your prayer list? She’s my oldest friend’s niece, and she’s hospitalized with RSV. She’s been on oxygen but is soon to be intubated. She had a fever spike to 104º. Thank you for praying with me. ~ Anonymous
January 20, 2025
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow. Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost. Lord, Thank You for all You do for us, seen and unseen, past, present and future. Holy God we praise Thy Name. Lord of all we bow before You. LORD, what do YOU want to say to Your Servant ? I need YOUR Help to hear and obey YOU. All Honor and Praise to YOU. Psalm 17:6 I am praying to YOU because I know YOU will answer, O GOD. Bend down and listen as I pray. Lord help President Trump in all ways to please YOU, & protect him and our Nation. Lord we need YOUR GRACE AND MERCY even if we do not deserve it. LORD, Bless The USA even though we don’t deserve it. Bless Our Leaders and Your Sheep and give us Wisdom to do the right thing. LORD, send YOUR Angels for travel MERCIES, for my wife, Cindy, Charlie, myself, my family, Babbie Mason, and all her students in her song writing classes. May they all hear from YOUR GRACE AND MERCY for the things they need, and the songs to GLORIFY YOU, directly and indirectly. LORD, fill me up to overflowing with YOUR Holy Spirit this day. I commit my ways to You ! HOLY SPIRIT, Empower Us with Inner Strength, ENERGY, WISDOM AND DISCERNMENT, Your Grace and Mercy. We ask that we would walk in your blessing and goodness today. That your face would shine on us. That you would open the right doors for our lives and for our loved ones, that you would close the wrong doors and protect us from those we need to walk away from. LORD, help Kerry and his family to be closer to YOU. Help his kids deal with their trans-gender inclinations and beliefs. LORD, YOU are their only HOPE. They need YOU LORD. We all need YOU LORD. LORD, help Charlie with his insecurities, his temper, his life.(His addiction to drugs and alcohol.) LORD, grant him wisdom and discernment, and thankfulness ~ Kenneth
January 20, 2025
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. THANK YOU LORD FOR EVERYTHING. LORD I PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF ISRAEL. LORD I PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF CHARLIE. LORD I PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF NURSING HOME RESIDENTS AND STAFF. Holy Spirit please help those considering abortion to reconsider. LORD GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD OF PROVISIONS, WISDOM, YOUR GRACE, MERCY AND PROTECTION , SPIRITUAL new experiences, emotional and physical healing, spiritual growth, and a more intimate relationship with You. Holy Spirit please help us find and implement Your Creative, Problem-Solving,God-Glorifying ideas and solutions with action in The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. HOLY SPIRIT PLEASE PRAY FOR US THE PRAYERS WE SHOULD HAVE PRAYED TODAY. AMEN AND AMEN ! SO BE IT ! AMEN AND AMEN ! SO BE IT ! ~ Kenneth
January 20, 2025
I’ve been in lots of pain since last summer, diagnosed with PMR.I’ve been very stiff,hard to put clothes on by myself, get out of bed, do anything. This situation is very hard on my emotions & mind as well. Please for healing, and for Jesus to make clear what am I to learn from this. Thanks ~ Daily
January 16, 2025
I’m praying for spiritual and physical healing for my me and my family. Recently, in December I got denial social security disability benefits and now I am filing an appeal with my lawyer. I’m asking the staff to please pray that I will receive my social security benefits. ~ Anonymous
January 13, 2025
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. HOLY SPIRIT Bless Israel today & the helpless & homeless. Bless those in Nursing Homes (Patients&Staff). Bless Our Nation to do YOUR WILL. Bless & raise up more Prayer Warriors. Give us Wisdom & Grace & Mercy today to include travel mercies and Angelic Help. Help Charlie & those like Him experience & appreciate Your Loving Kindness. Help me & family with More Spiritual, Physical, Mental&Financial Blessings, IJN Amen ! Lord help Cindy and Her Students in her Music Lessons to be able to share The Love of Jesus. Lord Bring more Music Students to learn about YOUR LIGHT that shines to all. Holy Spirit, please Pray The Prayers for us, that I should have Prayed today. Amen & Amen ! So Be It ! Amen and Amen ! So Be It ! ~ Kenneth
January 9, 2025
pray for me to marry the woman I am meant to be with. Pray the Lord directs my steps, speaks and guides me and makes this happen soon. I have had a lot of unusual things happen with a lady named Deanna but still not sure if she is the one. Pray if she is the one GOD shows me without being rejected or hurt. I do think Deanna Kay N. is the one. I also have developed feelings for her but do not want to make it weird in case she is not the one. Pray GOD brings it together . Pray He speaks to me on this matter clearly and pray She shows interest and GOD brings it together. Pray if Deanna is the one that it works out very soon in my favor with her… Also, pray for my work that I do well and master my new responsibilities better then anyone has ever. Pray I excel at my work and career. Pray also for me to be friends with all co workers and get along..I truly do not want enemies. Pray last GOD prospers me and helps me in ministry shows me what to do in His will. ~ Anonymous
January 9, 2025
Please pray for my sister, Mary, who is in the hospital. They diagnosed AFib, which is new to her, and she developed influenza A that we have all been coming down with, which has caused more problems. She will undergo an ablation tomorrow to get her heart under control. Today they told her husband they believe she has been having mini strokes in her sleep. I am beside myself. She is a wonderful, born-again woman, but I am not ready to let her go. Years ago, she saved my life, and I can never repay her for that. I want to see her, but I am too sick to be around anyone. Please pray for complete healing for her. I love her desperately. ~ Anonymous