Prayers for the End Times

Prayers written by SWRC/PITN staff
Kim Webber, Ginny Tallent, Matthew Hill & Micah Van Huss
To Encourage Christians today
Father, we need you daily. This journey can seem long, especially in the dark. Even along a path we have traveled often, it can seem like the road is longer and the reassuring signs are further apart. But there is a destination and we will soon reach it, together.
Confusion and depression have blanketed the world for too long. It has become comfortable for many. Like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, we can lose sight of our purpose and conjure up desires to return to the “good ol’ days.” Freedom can seem scary, but you created each of us with your word deep in our hearts. Teach us how to hear and understand your voice. Give us courage when it is difficult to see in this dark world. Keep us focused on you so that the darkness loses its grip.
Father, today I pray you extend your hand of grace and guidance. Daily remind us of your heart, your father’s heart, to see your children mature and become more like you. Let the love you have extended to us flow freely out to those around us who are broken, bruised, and confused. Fill us with strength, your strength of love and mercy. We read of your boundless love for your “stiff-necked” stubborn people. Help us to remain pliable. Help us to demonstrate your love through common acts of kindness. Buy a coffee for a stranger. Offer a hug to the hurting. Walk with the lonely. Be a shelter from the storm.
Lord, soften the hearts of those who are in need of your forgiveness and adoption. Let them see your love through our lives. Draw them close to you. Reassure them of who they are; created in your image and filled with your breath of life. Strengthen them for their unique journey toward righteousness. Remind them that they are never alone. Surround them with friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, who will encourage them to stay the course. And remind those who have been with you longer that we too were once lost and undone. Give us your eyes to see with compassion as the Holy Spirit works within us all on this long journey home. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
For Jesus to Return Soon
Father Almighty,
Today’s world is so overwhelming. From wars, disease, and financial strife, culture is assaulting families everywhere. And yet in the middle of the chaos we know you are there. Protecting and providing, implementing your perfect plan.
You tell us in your Word that you are preparing a place for us and will return for us…soon.
Thank you for loving us. Thank you for saving us. Thank you!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
To Live Boldly in a Wicked World
You, Father, are King of kings and Lord of lords. You alone are worthy to be praised, and I praise You.
Thank you, Elohim, for your creation. Thank you, Jehovah, for your goodness. Thank you, Jesus, for your salvation.
Your creation grows more corrupt every passing day. Mankind does what is right in his own eyes. Children are disrespectful to their parents. My primary responsibilities to my family are to provide for them and raise them to love You.
We are a nation in decline because of so many fatherless homes. Today, the enemy has claimed so many in the culture of the United States. We are called to love the sinners, but not to embrace the sin. Many churches have embraced sin and called it good. The churches become lukewarm. Are these the churches spoken of in the Revelation end times scenario?
You, the God of the Bible never change. Many are deceived. They worship a being they call Jesus, but theirs is an idol. What You call sin doesn’t change based on what culture popularizes. Folks who say that Jesus is OK with a specific sin aren’t worshiping You, but a false God, even if they call him by Your name.
Give me the strength to stand against and protect my family from the schemes of the enemy. Give me the courage to stand for You and Your truth in my society. You alone are worthy to be praised, and I praise You. Even so, come quickly.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
For the Lost to Be Saved
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the many blessings you have given us and the blessings you are about to give us. You have provided us with more than we deserve and more than we could have ever imagined.
We thank you for the people you have brought into our lives. You are a Great and Loving God. We thank you for the greatest gift of all, life in your Son Jesus Christ.
Father, we know that there are many lost people around the world and some right in our communities, some who have not heard your Holy word and others who have not accepted your Son as Lord and Saviour. We intercede in prayer on their behalf. Save them from what separates them from you,
Father use us to be ambassadors for you. Holy Spirit, show us who we need to shower with God’s love and show them who Jesus Christ truly is. Holy Spirit, be with the ones you are sending to us, let them be open to hearing the Holy word of God and give them a gentle spirit to accept us as we approach them.
Father, I pray for you to give us eyes to see the needs of your people. Give us your heart to feel compassion over the lost, give us wisdom to help us love all of your people. Father, let our lives be used for you glory.
In Your Son’s holy and precious name, Amen.
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