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Preparing for Perilous Times (DVD) Eric Barger


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In Preparing for Perilous Times, Eric expounds on prophetic Scripture and also presents an extensive list suggesting how we can and should respond to the challenges in these days.

Will You Be Victors or Victims?

The biblical truth that evil will become good and good, evil (Isaiah 5:20–21) is playing out all around us. We’re now told that numerous perversions are normal; Islam is peaceful; and the teachings of Christianity are, in fact, hate speech. Our politically correct culture demands that no one dare voice dissent. Free speech is under fire and those charged with upholding that constitutionally protected right are actually leading the effort to silence any naysayers.

Fueled by the insane narrative that insists no one should ever be offended, the assault upon our liberty and the Gospel itself must be recognized and understood by Christians in this hour. Under particular attack is our biblical mandate to challenge the practices and beliefs of non-Christian religious systems. Having found like-minded allies throughout governments, the U.N., and the media, those pushing the homosexual and transgendered lifestyles, as well as Islamist thought are in the process of attempting to legally muzzle all opposition. This insidious and brazen demand that all contrary speech be silenced has advanced across Europe, through England and Canada, and is now perched at America’s door. All this while the church is fractured from apostasy, the saints are asleep, and perhaps worst of all Israel is being abandoned.

In Preparing for Perilous Times, Eric expounds on prophetic Scripture and also presents an extensive list suggesting how we can and should respond to the challenges in these days. The stage is being set for the forthcoming Man of Sin. Thoughtful Christians will understand the times and recognize that persecution isn’t coming—it’s here—but the church’s mission on earth has not changed.

  • Author: Eric Barger
  • Binding / Format: DVD

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