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Living Out the Indwelling Life of Christ


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Do we as Christians, with the indwelling life of Christ within us, live for Christ or from Christ? By understanding the significance of being made in the image of God, we see our need to identify with the indwelling Life of Christ within us, and thereby manifest God’s true image.

Do we as Christians, with the indwelling life of Christ within us, live for Christ or from Christ? Living for Christ creates frustration and generates a mentality that “I” must produce this life on His behalf. Living from Christ fosters the understanding that we must be desperately dependent on Him in everything (2 Cor. 3:5). As we live from Christ and not from self-reliance, the fruit of the Spirit flows freely out of us.

By understanding the significance of being made in the image of God, we see our need to identify with the indwelling Life of Christ within us, and thereby manifest God’s true image. As we die to ourselves, Jesus’ character will be manifested through us. In this way, we represent the image of God.

SKU: X1423 Category:

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