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2013 Prophecy in the News Magazine 12 Issue Set


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This collection includes all 12 issues of Prophecy in the News Magazine from 2013.

2013 Prophecy in the News Magazine 12 Issue Set

This set includes 12 issues of the classic Prophecy in the News Magazine from 2013.

January – Paul Predicted It: A Rampant and Growing Madness
February – Could We Really Be Living In The LAST GENERATION?
March – The Mind of Christ – Will Our Gracious God Provide Another Worldwide Revival Before Jesus Returns?
April – The DARK SIDE of Bible Prophecy – Why We Must Discuss the Strange and the Supernatural
May – The PENTECOST Prophecy
June – The PROMISE of Resurrection
July – The Age of APOSTASY
August – MONUMENTAL FOOLISHNESS – In A Foolish Monument (American Atheists)
September – Social Justice, Fairness & Bible Prophecy – Looking for Security in an Insecure World
October – The ARROW That Flieth By Day – What Does The Bible Say About Rockets?
November – The “FALLING AWAY” Has It Happened?
December – A Christmas Prophecy – The Tower of the Flock beginning in January and ending in December.

SKU: PITN2013 Category:

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