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A Star and a Scepter


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Uncover the prophecy that points to the Messiah—order A Star and a Scepter today!

We are all familiar with the story of the wicked prophet, Balaam. In Sunday school, we learned about the greedy prophet with a talking donkey who was compelled to bless the Israelites who came out of Egypt. But do we really understand the story as the people of Late Bronze Age Israel understood it?

In A Star and a Scepter, archaeologist and Bible scholar Clayton Van Huss takes us for a look behind the flannelgraph. Beneath the colorful story of a talking donkey lies a prophecy that foretold the coming of Israel’s Messiah. Numbers 24:17 speaks of a Star and a Scepter, and Clayton presents a case—rooted in the material culture of ancient Israel—that illuminates the text and brings new understanding and hope to this prophecy.

What You’ll Discover:
• The deeper significance of Balaam’s prophecy
• How ancient Israel would have understood the message
• The meaning behind the Star and the Scepter in Numbers 24:17
• A fresh look at a well-known Bible story through archaeology

Go beyond the familiar story and uncover the powerful prophecy hidden within Balaam’s words! Order A Star and a Scepter today!

  • Author: Clayton Van Husse
  • Binding / Format: DVD

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