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America End Times Destruction Foretold (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films


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David Bay examines America in end-times prophecy.

America End Times Destruction Foretold (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films

One prophecy dramatically informs us that America, specifically, will be in some degree of financial prosperity until God annihilates her in judgment, with fire, in one hour. That inspired prognostication from God is found Revelation 18, so let us turn our attention to this most important prophecy, maybe one of the most important predictions of our End of the Age time period.

America may be the Economic Babylon of Revelation 18, as she is certainly symbolic of the widespread system of Anti-God evil that the Bible says is inherent in any Babylonian system.

Revelation 18 describes destruction by fire–God’s fire–of “Babylon the Great”

You will never look at news the same way again!

One Hour run time

  • Author: David Bay
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 1 hour

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