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Christian Revival for Israel’s Survival – Avi Lipkin (Writing as Victor Mordecai)


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Christian America must come to the defense of Israel against Islamic domination.

Christian Revival for Israel’s Survival – Avi Lipkin (Writing as Victor Mordecai)

In this book addressing the threat of Islam, Avi Lipkin makes it clear that Christians worldwide will also be sacrificed if necessary for a barrel of oil. The only answer therefore for Israel, America, and the world, is a “Christian Revival for Israel’s Survival.”

Because of the politics of the world today, even America will cease to stand with Israel in her time of need. The only ones who can help and should help her are the Christians – true believers in Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We must stand with Israel and this book gives all the reasons why and so much more. Christian America must come to the defense of Israel against Islamic domination.

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