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David Benoit Lifeworks Bundle (DVDs) David Benoit


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The best of David Benoit!

David Benoit Lifeworks Bundle (DVDs) David Benoit

This great bundle features some of David Benoit’s most popular teachings. Included are:

1. Disarming the Powers of Darkness (DVD) David Benoit

Scripture is clear: the spiritual battlefield is real and the Enemy is determined. But most Christians are ill-equipped and unprepared when attacked, and even fewer are on the offensive. Still others write off spiritual warfare as irrelevant today, while on the other extreme some credit Satan for every imaginable problem in life. The purpose of this 2 DVD teaching set is to provide biblical balance and clarity in order to establish a proper battle plan – exposing the Enemy for who he really is and showing Christians how to win this war with the spiritual weapons already at their disposal.

2. Entertaining Spirits Unaware (DVD) David Benoit

The goal of Entertaining Spirits Unaware is to offer a resource concerning the occult, in particular the many ways our culture is being affected by its workings. Though sometimes subtly, occultism such as witchcraft and the New Age movement are undoubtedly infiltrating and often capturing the masses today. If ever there was a need for a clear expose on the deceptions of the Evil One, it is now! This DVD will provide you with just such a tool. It will not gather dust in the possession of those who care.

3. Occultic Tendencies & Violence in Rock Music (DVD) David Benoit

David Benoit exposes the devastating effects of rock music on teenagers today. For example, David reveals reincarnation, and gives actual characteristics of a demon-possessed person from the Scriptures. This 2 disc DVD set is designed for parents, teens, teachers, pastors, and counselors who will benefit from clear evidence of what is behind the violence in rock music. What you will see on this DVD is controversial and may be unbelievable – even shocking… but it’s true!

4. Examining the Credibility of Christ: Exposing Last Days Deception (DVD) David Benoit

Jesus warned that the hallmark characteristic of the coming Antichrist regime would be unparalleled deception. Events are beginning to explode, and the world is rushing headlong into the planned global conflict that will prompt the Antichrist to arise. In this light, it is crucial that we prove whether things are so; it is vital that we seek the truth in all things. Since the Globalists have such tight control of the mass media, we will not find one ounce of truth in the propaganda of flagrant lies that they use to manipulate the public. Today, there is an effort to teach a false Jesus. In this dynamic teaching, filmed at a VCY Radio Rally, David Benoit examines the credibility of Christ and exposes last days deceptions.

5. Things to Consider About UFO’s (DVD) David Benoit

UFO sightings are on the rise. Countless UFO reports flood in to authorities with each passing month. But what is the truth about aliens and UFOs? This thoroughly researched teaching DVD deals with UFOs and aliens from a biblical, Christian perspective. Among the issues covered are:

• Have We Been Visited?
• The Wild Popularity of UFOs
• The Search for Extraterrestrial Life
• What Really Happened At Roswell?
• Is There Any Hard Evidence for Alien Visitations?
• Are UFOs Mentioned in the Bible?
• The New Age Embrace of UFOs
• The Occult Connection
• “Alien” Abductions
• Demonized Delusions in the End Times
• And more.

6. Socialism in America (DVD) David Benoit

Many today want to see America become a socialist country. Socialism is a societal system in which property, natural resources, and the means of production are owned and controlled by the state rather than by individuals or private companies. Socialism, for all its popularity in some circles, is not a biblical model for society. In opposition to socialism, the Bible promotes the idea of private property and issues commands to respect it: commands such as “You shall not steal” are meaningless without private property. Unlike what we see in failed experiments in socialism, the Bible honors work and teaches that individuals are responsible to support themselves: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”  The redistribution of wealth foundational to socialism destroys accountability and the biblical work ethic. Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25:14-30 clearly teaches our responsibility to serve God with our (private) resources. In this dynamic teaching DVD, David Benoit exposes the ideas and agenda of those who want to destroy America.

7. …And the Prison Doors Were Opened: The Life Story of David Benoit (DVD) David Benoit

David Benoit (Ben-wah’) was born march 14, 1955, and grew up in Louisiana. He accepted Christ as Savior in 1972 after a rebellious teenage life had led him to reform school. In 1973, he enrolled in Liberty Baptist College, graduating in 1978 with a B.S. Degree in Church Ministries, minoring in speech and theology. Following college, David entered the ministry as a youth pastor on the West coast, serving in California and Oregon. He was also affiliated with Word of Life of Schroon Lake, New York, as a club director. In June of 1984, David was led of the Lord to establish Glory Ministries as an evangelist. When David began, the emphasis of Glory Ministries was to expose the truth of the damaging effects of rock music on society. The only solution being regeneration by Jesus Christ. In the past several years, David has used his vast knowledge of the occult and the New Age movement to show how Satan is subtly gaining entrance into our families and our churches through seemingly harmless children’s toys, movies and cartoons. David has appeared on hundreds of local radio and television talk shows across the country. The most notable include; The Inspirational Network, Family Broadcasting Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Moody Broadcasting Network, KGO radio (San Francisco), WGST radio (Atlanta), WWWE radio (Cleveland), Point of View (Dallas, TX), Dr. D. James Kennedy’s nationally televised program and Bob Larson Live (Denver, CO). He has also been a guest host for the Southwest Radio Church program, heard daily nationwide. In this dynamic DVD, filmed on location at Grace Chapel Church in Sanford, North Carolina, David tells his incredible life story.



  • Author: David Benoit
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: Over 14 hours

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