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False Prophet Soon To Step On The World Stage (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films


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The False Prophet and the coming one-world religion are examined in this documentary film.

False Prophet Soon To Step On The World Stage (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films

The Global Elite has devised a mechanism by which they intend to finally form the One World Religion and stage the Roman Catholic Pope as the top leader of this global religion. That makes the Pope the False Prophet, the Second Beast of Revelation 13.

What is this mechanism? At the right moment in history, after much war and threat of war in the Middle East, a combination worship service will be announced, where all members of Monotheistic Faiths can worship – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This combination worship service will create a synergistic spiritual power which will solve the Middle East religious warfare and finally bring Peace and Safety.

The Jerusalem Post carried a story on June 27, 2016, which announced that just such a combination worship service would be carried out from September 5-11, with concluding services on 9/11!

The Illuminati announced this peculiar plan to its members in early, 1991, and is just now implementing it!!

Can Antichrist be far behind the arrival of the False Prophet? I doubt it!!!

‘…when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh’. (Jesus speaking, Luke 21:28)

It is time, dear Christian, to look up, shout for glory, and prepare your heart for the Rapture of the Church!

  • Author: David Bay
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 1 hour

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