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God By the Numbers


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If you love Bible prophecy and are fascinated by what numbers mean in the Bible, this teaching is the BIG ONE you’ve been waiting for! It is probably the most detailed presentation of biblical numerics ever made into film.

If you love Bible prophecy and are fascinated by what numbers mean in the Bible, this teaching is the BIG ONE you’ve been waiting for! It is probably the most detailed presentation of biblical numerics ever made into film.

It will answer such questions as:

  • Does the story of Methuselah show us the exact year that the Flood would take place?
  • Does the story of Noah’s ark give us a type and shadow of the Rapture, Tribulation, and Millennial Kingdom?
  • Did Jesus’ dedication in the temple provide a clue about the timeline of Christ’s second coming?
  • Do the dimensions of Solomon’s Temple point to an approximate time frame for the Messiah’s return?

This DVD is jam-packed with prophecies, most of which you have probably never heard before. Tighten your seat belt as we journey down the prophetic highway. You are sure to see the hand of God as He reveals Himself in the affairs of men.

  • Author: Michael Samuel Smith
  • Binding / Format: DVD

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