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Hutchings Signs Bundle (Book & DVD) Noah Hutchings


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This bundle features the book 40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation and the DVD Touring Israel by Noah Hutchings.

Hutchings Signs Bundle (Book & DVD) Noah Hutchings

This bundle features the book 40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation and the DVD Touring Israel by Noah Hutchings.

40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation

Jesus Christ said there would be a last generation. Is this generation it? Forty is the biblical number of probationary judgment, and in this forty-chapter book, Noah Hutchings presents without controversy forty signs given in eschatology related to the last generation. While Dr. Hutchings is against setting specific dates for Christ’s return, he documents forty signs that are to occur in the last generation that are relative to today’s world.

Touring Israel

One of the signs of the end of the age is the reestablishment of Israel. Noah Hutchings led 50 tours to Israel. His extensive knowledge of the Bible and Middle Eastern culture and affairs made him the perfect guide to understanding Israel. Rev. Hutchings shows how current events in Israel are fulfilling biblical prophecy in a remarkable way. In this video you will travel with Rev. Hutchings from Dan to Beersheva and see such biblical sites as:

  • Beersheva Tel & Abraham’s Well
  • Valley of Elah where David slew Goliath
  • Caesarea, where Paul was imprisoned
  • Carmel, where Elijah overcame the prophets of Baal
  • Nazareth, where Jesus lived
  • Sea of Galilee, where Jesus ministered
  • Qumrum, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found
  • Masada, the fortress of Herod
  • plus much, much more!
  • Author: Noah Hutchings
  • Binding / Format: Book & DVD

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